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The contribution of individual differences in statistical learning to reading and spelling performance in children with and without dyslexia
Dyslexia ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-25 , DOI: 10.1002/dys.1678
Merel van Witteloostuijn 1 , Paul Boersma 1 , Frank Wijnen 2 , Judith Rispens 1

Using an individual differences approach in children with and without dyslexia, this study investigated the hypothesized relationship between statistical learning ability and literacy (reading and spelling) skills. We examined the clinical relevance of statistical learning (serial reaction time and visual statistical learning tasks) by controlling for potential confounds at the participant level (e.g., non‐verbal reasoning, attention and phonological skills including rapid automatized naming and phonological short‐term memory). A 100 Dutch‐speaking 8‐ to 11‐year‐old children with and without dyslexia participated (50 per group), see also van Witteloostuijn et al. (2019) for a study with the same participants. No evidence of a relationship between statistical learning and literacy skills is found above and beyond participant‐level variables. Suggestions from the literature that the link between statistical learning and literacy attainment, and therefore its clinical relevance, might be small and strongly influenced by methodological differences between studies are not contradicted by our findings.



本研究使用个体差异方法,对患有和没有诵读困难的儿童进行调查,研究了统计学习能力与读写能力(阅读和拼写)之间的假设关系。我们通过控制参与者水平上的潜在混杂因素(例如,非语言推理,注意力和语音技能,包括快速自动命名和语音短期记忆),检查了统计学习的临床相关性(序列反应时间和视觉统计学习任务) 。有100名讲荷兰语的8至11岁有或没有诵读困难的儿童参加(每组50名),另请参见van Witteloostuijn等。(2019)与相同的参与者进行研究。除了参与者级别的变量之外,没有发现统计学习与识字技能之间存在关系的证据。