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Albert Einstein and the Doubling of the Deflection of Light
Foundations of Science ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-26 , DOI: 10.1007/s10699-021-09783-4
Jean-Marc Ginoux

One of the three consequences of Einstein’s theory of general relativity was the curvature of light passing near a massive body. In 1911, he published a first value of the angle of deflection of light, then a second value in 1915, equal twice the first. In the early 1920s, when he received the Nobel Prize in Physics, a violent controversy broke out over this result. It was then disclosed that the first value he had obtained in 1911 had been calculated more than a century before by a German astronomer named Johann von Soldner. The aim of this article is therefore to compare the methods used by Soldner and then by Einstein leading to this first value and to explain the importance of the doubling of this value in the framework of Einstein’s theory of general relativity. Such a consequence of this theory lies at the intersection of several scientific fields such as Mathematics, Physics, Astronomy and Philosophy.


爱因斯坦(Albert Einstein)与光偏转的加倍

爱因斯坦的广义相对论的三个结果之一是光在靠近大物体时的曲率。在1911年,他发表了光偏转角的第一个值,然后在1915年发布了第二个值,等于第一个值的两倍。在1920年代初,当他获得诺贝尔物理学奖时,就这一结果爆发了激烈的争论。然后,据透露,他在1911年获得的第一个价值是由一位名叫约翰·冯·索德纳(Johann von Soldner)的德国天文学家计算了一个多世纪。因此,本文的目的是比较索德纳和爱因斯坦使用的导致第一个价值的方法,并说明在爱因斯坦广义相对论的框架内将此价值加倍的重要性。
