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The Synergistic Impacts of Anthropogenic Stressors and COVID-19 on Aquaculture: A Current Global Perspective
Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture ( IF 6.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-26 , DOI: 10.1080/23308249.2021.1876633
G. Sarà 1 , M. C. Mangano 2 , M. Berlino 1 , L. Corbari 1 , M. Lucchese 1 , G. Milisenda 2 , S. Terzo 1 , M. S. Azaza 3 , J. M. F. Babarro 4 , R. Bakiu 5 , B. R. Broitman 6 , A. H. Buschmann 7 , R. Christofoletti 8 , A. Deidun 9 , Y. Dong 10 , J. Galdies 9 , B. Glamuzina 11 , O. Luthman 12 , P. Makridis 13 , A. J. A. Nogueira 14 , M. G. Palomo 15 , R. Dineshram 16 , G. Rilov 17 , P. Sanchez-Jerez 18 , H. Sevgili 19 , M. Troell 20, 21 , K. Y. AbouelFadl 22 , M. N. Azra 23 , P. Britz 24 , C. Brugere 25 , E. Carrington 26 , I. Celić 27 , F. Choi 28 , C. Qin 29 , T. Dobroslavić 11 , P. Galli 30 , D. Giannetto 31 , J. Grabowski 28 , M. J. H. Lebata-Ramos 32 , P. T. Lim 33 , Y. Liu 34 , S. M. Llorens 35 , G. Maricchiolo 36 , S. Mirto 37 , M. Pećarević 11 , N. Ragg 38 , E. Ravagnan 39 , D. Saidi 40 , K. Schultz 28 , M. Shaltout 41 , C. Solidoro 27 , S. H. Tan 42 , V. Thiyagarajan 43 , B. Helmuth 28


The rapid, global spread of COVID-19, and the measures intended to limit or slow its propagation, are having major impacts on diverse sectors of society. Notably, these impacts are occurring in the context of other anthropogenic-driven threats including global climate change. Both anthropogenic stressors and the COVID-19 pandemic represent significant economic challenges to aquaculture systems across the globe, threatening the supply chain of one of the most important sources of animal protein, with potential disproportionate impacts on vulnerable communities. A web survey was conducted in 47 countries in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic to assess how aquaculture activities have been affected by the pandemic, and to explore how these impacts compare to those from climate change. A positive correlation between the effects of the two categories of drivers was detected, but analysis suggests that the pandemic and the anthropogenic stressors affect different parts of the supply chain. The immediate measurable reported losses varied with aquaculture typology (land vs. marine, and intensive vs. extensive). A comparably lower impact on farmers reporting the use of integrated multitrophic aquaculture (IMTA) methods suggests that IMTA might enhance resilience to multiple stressors by providing different market options under the COVID-19 pandemic. Results emphasize the importance of assessing detrimental effects of COVID-19 under a multiple stressor lens, focusing on areas that have already locally experienced economic loss due to anthropogenic stressors in the last decade. Holistic policies that simultaneously address other ongoing anthropogenic stressors, rather than focusing solely on the acute impacts of COVID-19, are needed to maximize the long-term resilience of the aquaculture sector.


人为压力源和 COVID-19 对水产养殖的协同影响:当前的全球视角


COVID-19 在全球范围内的迅速传播,以及旨在限制或减缓其传播的措施,正在对社会的各个部门产生重大影响。值得注意的是,这些影响是在包括全球气候变化在内的其他人为驱动威胁的背景下发生的。人为压力源和 COVID-19 大流行都对全球水产养殖系统构成重大经济挑战,威胁到动物蛋白最重要来源之一的供应链,并可能对脆弱社区造成不成比例的影响。在 COVID-19 大流行期间,在 47 个国家进行了一项网络调查,以评估水产养殖活动如何受到大流行的影响,并探讨这些影响与气候变化的影响相比有何不同。检测到两类驱动因素的影响之间存在正相关关系,但分析表明,大流行和人为压力源会影响供应链的不同部分。直接可衡量的报告损失因水产养殖类型(陆地与海洋,集约与粗放)而异。对报告使用综合多营养水产养殖 (IMTA) 方法的农民的影响相对较低,这表明 IMTA 可以通过在 COVID-19 大流行下提供不同的市场选择来增强对多种压力源的抵御能力。结果强调了在多重压力源镜头下评估 COVID-19 的不利影响的重要性,重点关注在过去十年中因人为压力源而在当地遭受经济损失的地区。
