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The Asia‐Pacific Biodiversity Observation Network: 10‐year achievements and new strategies to 2030
Ecological Research ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-25 , DOI: 10.1111/1440-1703.12212
Yayoi Takeuchi 1 , Hiroyuki Muraoka 2 , Takehisa Yamakita 3 , Yuichi Kano 4 , Shin Nagai 5 , Touch Bunthang 6 , Mark John Costello 7, 8 , Dedy Darnaedi 9 , Bibian Diway 10 , Tonny Ganyai 11 , Chaiwut Grudpan 12 , Alice Hughes 13 , Reiichiro Ishii 14 , Po Teen Lim 15 , Keping Ma 16 , Aidy M. Muslim 17 , Shin‐ichi Nakano 18 , Masahiro Nakaoka 19 , Tohru Nakashizuka 14, 20 , Manabu Onuma 1 , Chan‐Ho Park 21 , Runi Sylvester Pungga 10 , Yusuke Saito 22 , Mangal Man Shakya 23 , Mohd Khairulazman Sulaiman 24 , Maya Sumi 1 , Phanara Thach 6 , Yongyut Trisurat 25 , Xuehong Xu 26 , Hiroya Yamano 1 , Tze Leong Yao 27 , Eun‐Shik Kim 28 , Sheila Vergara 29 , Tetsukazu Yahara 30

The Asia‐Pacific Biodiversity Observation Network (APBON) was launched in 2009, in response to the establishment of the Biodiversity Observation Network under the Group on Earth Observations in 2008. APBON's mission is to increase exchange of knowledge and know‐how between institutions and researchers concerning biodiversity science research in the Asia‐Pacific (AP) region and thereby contribute to evidence‐based decision‐making and policy‐making. Here we summarize APBON activities and achievements in its first 10 years. We review how APBON has developed networks, facilitated communication for sharing knowledge, and built capacity of researchers and stakeholders through workshops and publications as well as discuss the network plan. Key findings by APBON members include descriptions of species new to science, mapping tropical forest cover change, evaluating impacts of hydropower dams and climate change on fish species diversity in the Mekong, and mapping “Ecologically and Biologically Significant Areas” in the oceans. APBON has also contributed to data collection, sharing, analysis, and synthesis for regional and global biodiversity assessment. A highlight was contributing to the “Intergovernmental Science‐Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services” regional report. New strategic plans target the development of national‐level BONs and interdisciplinary research to address the data and knowledge gaps and increase data accessibility for users and for meeting societal demands. Strengthening networks in AP region and capacity building through APBON meetings will continue. By promoting monitoring and scientific research and facilitating the dialogue with scientists and policymakers, APBON will contribute to the implementation of conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in the entire AP region.


