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Serologic evidence of the circulation of the hepatitis E virus and the prevalence of antibodies against hepatitis A in an indigenous population in northern Argentina
Revista Argentina de Microbiología ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-26 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ram.2020.10.006
Carlos Remondegui 1 , Susana Ceballos 1 , Lorena Paola Arce 2 , Eduardo Pintado 1 , Rene Vidaurre 3 , Hans Nitschko 4 , Andreas Osterman 4 , María Guadalupe Vizoso Pinto 2

In 2005 a universal vaccination program against hepatitis A was introduced in Argentina. Nevertheless, there are still some unvaccinated marginal population groups. There are no data about the seroprevalence of hepatitis E in the northern region of Argentina mainly because of lack of awareness of this emergent pathogen. We aimed to determine the seroprevalence of hepatitis A, and hepatitis E in an indigenous population in northern Argentina. One hundred and twenty six (126) donor serum samples collected near San Salvador de Jujuy were analyzed for anti-HAV IgG and HEV IgG and IgM, alkaline phosphatase and transaminase values. Volunteers were interviewed about their living conditions, animal farming, consumption of tap water or river water, and level of education. Seroprevalence of specific anti-HAV antibodies was high (80.2%, 95% confidence interval, 72.1–86.7%) in children under 5 years of age, indicating early infection in life. Seroprevalence of anti-HEV antibodies was 5.6% (95% CI: 2.3–11.2%), being slightly higher than the values found in healthy patients from other regions of the country. Although we could not characterize the genotype of the circulating HEV strain, the clear epidemiological difference between seroprevalence of HAV and HEV in a community with poor sanitary conditions suggest that the circulating HEV strains spread through a different transmission route than HAV. Furthermore a significant correlation between anti-HEV IgG and swine farming was found (p < 0.05), which supports a zoonotic transmission path. We reassessed the epidemiological pattern of HAV infection and reported evidence of HEV infection for the first-time in a community belonging to the Guarani ethnic group, highlighting the need to include hepatitis E testing in routine diagnostics in the region.



2005 年,阿根廷引入了针对甲型肝炎的通用疫苗接种计划。尽管如此,仍有一些未接种疫苗的边缘人群。阿根廷北部地区没有关于戊型肝炎血清阳性率的数据,主要是因为对这种新出现的病原体缺乏认识。我们旨在确定阿根廷北部土著人口中甲型肝炎和戊型肝炎的血清阳性率。分析了在 San Salvador de Jujuy 附近收集的一百二十六 (126) 个供体血清样品的抗 HAV IgG 和 HEV IgG 和 IgM、碱性磷酸酶和转氨酶值。志愿者接受了关于他们的生活条件、畜牧业、自来水或河水的消耗以及教育水平的采访。特异性抗 HAV 抗体的血清阳性率很高(80.2%,5 岁以下儿童的 95% 置信区间 (72.1–86.7%),表明生命早期感染。抗 HEV 抗体的血清阳性率为 5.6%(95% CI:2.3-11.2%),略高于该国其他地区健康患者的值。虽然我们无法表征循环 HEV 毒株的基因型,但在卫生条件差的社区中 HAV 和 HEV 血清阳性率之间明显的流行病学差异表明,循环 HEV 毒株通过与 HAV 不同的传播途径传播。此外,还发现抗 HEV IgG 与养猪业之间存在显着相关性(略高于该国其他地区健康患者的数值。虽然我们无法表征循环 HEV 毒株的基因型,但在卫生条件差的社区中 HAV 和 HEV 血清阳性率之间明显的流行病学差异表明,循环 HEV 毒株通过与 HAV 不同的传播途径传播。此外,还发现抗 HEV IgG 与养猪业之间存在显着相关性(略高于该国其他地区健康患者的数值。虽然我们无法表征循环 HEV 毒株的基因型,但在卫生条件差的社区中 HAV 和 HEV 血清阳性率之间明显的流行病学差异表明,循环 HEV 毒株通过与 HAV 不同的传播途径传播。此外,还发现抗 HEV IgG 与养猪业之间存在显着相关性(p  <  0.05),支持人畜共患病传播路径。我们重新评估了 HAV 感染的流行病学模式,并首次在属于瓜拉尼族的社区报告了 HEV 感染的证据,强调需要将戊型肝炎检测纳入该地区的常规诊断中。
