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Sexual orientation and prevalence of mental health difficulties among emergency services employees
Journal of Affective Disorders ( IF 4.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-26 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jad.2021.02.032
Michael J. Kyron , Peter M. McEvoy , Dylan Gilbey , Ashleigh Lin , Catherine Mazza , Wavne Rikkers , Jennifer Bartlett , David Lawrence


LGBQ+ people (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Queer) are at-risk of discrimination and developing mental health issues within general populations. Limited research has assessed their mental health in emergency services occupations, a population which are known to experience poorer mental health. The current study explores the extent to which sexual orientation is associated with higher rates of mental health issues among emergency personnel.


A stratified random sample of employees from twenty-nine police (N = 8,088), ambulance (N = 3,473), and fire and rescue (N = 2,975) agencies from around Australia participated in a cross-sectional mental health survey (N = 14,536, male = 64.2%, 42.7% over 45 years of age, heterosexual = 92.7%).


Employees with a bisexual/pansexual orientation or those who were not sure about their sexual orientation were significantly more likely to report suicidal thoughts, suicide plans, psychological distress, and illicit drug use when compared with heterosexual employees. LGBQ+ employees reported significantly higher rates of lifetime suicide plans and attempts. Specifically, LGBQ+ fire and rescue personnel were roughly six times more likely to report lifetime suicide attempts, and approximately five times more likely to use illicit drugs weekly than their heterosexual colleagues in the fire and rescue sector. Female LGBQ+ personnel were significantly less likely to consume illicit drugs weekly and monthly than male LGBQ+ personnel.


Emergency services personnel are already at-risk of developing pervasive mental health difficulties. It is important that organisations foster positive working environments, particularly for LGBQ+ people who may be more marginalized within organisations.




LGBQ +人群(女同性恋,男同性恋,双性恋,同性恋者)面临歧视的风险,并在普通人群中发展心理健康问题。有限的研究评估了他们在紧急服务职业中的心理健康状况,这些人的心理健康状况较差。当前的研究探讨了性取向与急诊人员较高的心理健康问题相关的程度。


 来自澳大利亚各地的29名警察(N  = 8,088),救护车(N  = 3,473)和消防和救援(N = 2,975)机构的员工的分层随机样本参加了横断面心理健康调查(N  = 14,536) ,男性= 64.2%,45岁以上的男性为42.7%,异性恋的女性为92.7%)。


与异性恋员工相比,具有双性恋/同性恋倾向或不确定性取向的员工更有可能报告自杀念头,自杀计划,心理困扰和非法药物使用。LGBQ +员工报告了终生自杀计划和未遂尝试的比率大大提高。特别是,LGBQ +消防和救援人员报告终生自杀企图的可能性大约是其消防和救援部门异性同事的六倍,每周使用违禁药物的可能性约为五倍。与男性LGBQ +人员相比,女性LGBQ +人员每周和每月服用非法药物的可能性大大降低。


紧急服务人员已经面临普遍性精神健康困难的危险。组织要营造积极的工作环境,这一点很重要,特别是对于LGBQ +可能在组织中被边缘化的人。
