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Varying rectangular spacing yields no difference in forest growth and external wood quality in coniferous forest plantations
Forest Ecology and Management ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-26 , DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2021.119040
Mostarin Ara , Ignacio Barbeito , Björn Elfving , Ulf Johansson , Urban Nilsson

Historically square or almost square spacing design has been used in plantation forest, as it has been claimed to maximize productivity. In this study, based on field experiments established in the mid-1980s, we tested the effect of square or different rectangular planting designs (2 × 2, 1.33 × 3, 1 × 4, 0.8 × 5, 1.46 × 1.46 × 4 m) on productivity, stand heterogeneity, and external wood properties of three coniferous species: Scots pine, Lodgepole pine, and Norway spruce. Stand production (volume, diameter), external wood properties (ovality, branch thickness, living crown height, height-diameter ratio), and stand heterogeneity (Gini coefficient) were not significantly affected by the different rectangular designs. Based on this evidence, we propose that more flexibility is available than previously thought for rectangular spacing layouts and consequently for the choice of planting spots and machinery operations.



历史上正方形或几乎正方形的间距设计已在人工林中使用,因为据称它可以最大程度地提高生产率。在这项研究中,基于1980年代中期建立的田间试验,我们测试了正方形或不同矩形种植设计的效果(2×2,1.33×3,1×4,0.8×5,1.46×1.46×4 m)三种针叶树种的生产力,林分异质性和外部木材特性:苏格兰松树,红松树和挪威云杉。林分产量(体积,直径),外部木材特性(椭圆度,枝条厚度,活冠高度,高径比)和林分异质性(基尼系数)不受不同矩形设计的影响。根据这些证据,
