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A Thomassen-type method for planar graph recoloring
European Journal of Combinatorics ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-26 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ejc.2021.103319
Zdeněk Dvořák , Carl Feghali

The reconfiguration graph Rk(G) for the k-colorings of a graph G has as vertices all possible k-colorings of G and two colorings are adjacent if they differ in the color of exactly one vertex. A result of Bousquet and Perarnau (2016) regarding graphs of bounded degeneracy implies that for a planar graph G with n vertices, R12(G) has diameter at most 6n, and if G is triangle-free, then R8(G) has diameter at most 4n. We use a list coloring technique inspired by results of Thomassen to improve on the number of colors, showing that for a planar graph G with n vertices, R10(G) has diameter at most 8n, and if G is triangle-free, then R7(G) has diameter at most 7n.



重新配置图 [RķG 为了 ķ图的颜色 G 具有所有可能的顶点 ķ的颜色 G如果两种颜色的恰好一个顶点的颜色不同,则它们是相邻的。Bousquet和Perarnau(2016)关于有限退化图的结果表明,对于平面图Gñ 顶点 [R12G 直径最大 6ñ, 而如果 G 没有三角形,那么 [R8G 直径最大 4ñ。我们根据托马森(Thomassen)的结果启发使用列表着色技术来改进颜色数量,从而显示出平面图Gñ 顶点 [R10G 直径最大 8ñ, 而如果 G 没有三角形,那么 [R7G 直径最大 7ñ
