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Late Cretaceous Flora of the Zyryanka Coal Basin in Northeastern Russia: Composition, Age, and Plant Communities
Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation ( IF 1.0 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-26 , DOI: 10.1134/s0869593821010020
A. B. Herman , S. V. Shczepetov


Plant fossils collected by O.V. Grinenko on the right bank of the Vstrechnaya River in the Zyryanka coal basin (Northeastern Russia) in 1989 have been studied. The Vstrechnaya taphoflora includes 25 species of fossil plants assigned to ferns, cycadaleans, ginkgoaleans, leptostrobaleans, conifers, gymnosperms of an uncertain systematic position, and angiosperms. The presence of advanced conifer taxa and angiosperm plants in the Vstrechnaya taphoflora enables the determination of its age as Late Cretaceous, most probably Turonian and Coniacian. The significant difference between the Vstrechnaya floristic assemblage, as well as the Vstrechnaya flora as a whole, and the Buor-Kemus Formation flora enabled us to regard the plant-bearing sediments as an independent local stratigraphic unit, the Vstrechnaya Formation. The Vstrechnaya taphoflora includes plants that probably formed distinct Mesophytic and Cenophytic plant communities. The composition of the former was inherited from the more ancient, Early Cretaceous, floras of the region; the latter include advanced conifer taxa and angiosperm plants and thus reflect the gradual invasion of the evolutionarily new Late Cretaceous vegetation into the continental interior of Northeastern Asia.




OV Grinenko于1989年在Zyryanka煤盆地(俄罗斯东北部)的Vstrechnaya河右岸收集的植物化石进行了研究。Vstrechnaya taphoflora包括25种化石植物,分别属于蕨类,cycadaleans,ginkgoaleans,leptostrobaleans,针叶树,具有不确定系统位置的裸子植物和被子植物。Vstrechnaya taphoflora中存在先进的针叶树分类单元和被子植物,因此可以确定其年龄为白垩纪晚期,最有可能是土伦期和科尼亚期。Vstrechnaya植物群以及整个Vstrechnaya植物群与Buor-Kemus组植物群之间的显着差异使我们能够将植物中的沉积物视为一个独立的本地地层单元,即Vstrechnaya组。Vstrechnaya taphoflora的植物可能形成了独特的中生植物和生植物植物群落。前者的组成是从该地区较古老的早白垩世植物区系继承而来的。后者包括先进的针叶树分类群和被子植物,因此反映出演化新的晚白垩纪植被逐渐侵入东北亚大陆内部。
