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Micro-Raman spectroscopy and complementary techniques applied for the analysis of rock art paintings at the archaeological locality La Angostura, lower valley of Chubut River (Patagonia, Argentina)
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-26 , DOI: 10.1007/s12520-021-01300-9
Celeste Gurin , Marcia Mazzuca , Julieta Gómez Otero , Marta S. Maier

In this paper, we characterized for the first time the painting materials in rock art panels of the Patagonian archaeological locality La Angostura using a methodological approach that combined micro-Raman spectroscopy, attenuated total reflection Fourier Transform infrared spectroscopy, and X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy. In this way, we obtained detailed information on the red, green, and black pigments as well as on accessory minerals present in the paints. Hematite was the chromophore in the red paintings while celadonite and glauconite were identified in the green motifs. A manganese oxide, presumably pyrolusite, was characterized as the black pigment. The pigment compositions were also compared to those of natural sediments collected along the valley of the Chubut River, but the components of the red and green sediment samples differed from those present in the rock art paints. In the red motifs of two of the rock art panels, a relevant finding was the presence of gypsum and anhydrite as a priming layer of the corrugated rock support onto which the red paints were applied. This revealed a different painting technique in comparison to that at the other analyzed panels of La Angostura where paints were applied as thin layers on a smooth surface of the rock support. As far as we know, this is the first report on the identification of gypsum and anhydrite as components of a preparation layer in Patagonian rock art. This result contributes to the open discussion on the origin and function of calcium sulfate in rock art.


微型拉曼光谱法和互补技术在考古地区La Angostura,丘布特河下游山谷(阿根廷巴塔哥尼亚)的岩画绘画分析中的应用

在本文中,我们首次使用结合了拉曼光谱,衰减全反射傅立叶变换红外光谱和X射线荧光光谱的方法,对巴塔哥尼亚考古地区La Angostura岩石艺术面板中的涂料进行了表征。通过这种方式,我们获得了有关红色,绿色和黑色颜料以及涂料中存在的辅助矿物质的详细信息。赤铁矿是红色绘画中的发色团,而青瓷和青绿石则是绿色图案中的发色团。氧化锰,大概是软锰矿,被表征为黑色颜料。还将颜料成分与沿着丘布特河谷采集的天然沉积物的颜料成分进行了比较,但是红色和绿色沉积物样品的成分不同于岩画涂料中的成分。在两个岩石艺术面板的红色图案中,一个相关的发现是存在石膏和硬石膏作为波纹状岩石支撑层的底漆层,并在上面涂了红色涂料。与其他分析过的La Angostura面板相比,这揭示了一种不同的绘画技术,在La Angostura的其他面板上,油漆以薄层形式涂在岩石支架的光滑表面上。据我们所知,这是关于将石膏和硬石膏鉴定为巴塔哥尼亚岩石艺术中准备层成分的第一份报告。这一结果有助于就岩石艺术中硫酸钙的起源和功能展开公开讨论。一个相关的发现是石膏和硬石膏作为瓦楞纸板支撑层的底漆层,上面涂有红色涂料。与其他分析过的La Angostura面板相比,这揭示了一种不同的绘画技术,在La Angostura的其他面板上,油漆以薄层的形式涂在岩石支架的光滑表面上。据我们所知,这是关于将石膏和硬石膏鉴定为巴塔哥尼亚岩石艺术中准备层成分的第一份报告。这一结果有助于就岩石艺术中硫酸钙的起源和功能展开公开讨论。一个相关的发现是石膏和硬石膏作为瓦楞纸板支撑层的底漆层,上面涂有红色涂料。与其他分析过的La Angostura面板相比,这揭示了一种不同的绘画技术,在La Angostura的其他面板上,油漆以薄层的形式涂在岩石支架的光滑表面上。据我们所知,这是关于将石膏和硬石膏鉴定为巴塔哥尼亚岩石艺术中准备层成分的第一份报告。这一结果有助于就岩石艺术中硫酸钙的起源和功能展开公开讨论。与其他分析过的La Angostura面板相比,这揭示了一种不同的绘画技术,在La Angostura的其他面板上,油漆以薄层的形式涂在岩石支架的光滑表面上。据我们所知,这是关于将石膏和硬石膏鉴定为巴塔哥尼亚岩石艺术中准备层成分的第一份报告。这一结果有助于就岩石艺术中硫酸钙的起源和功能展开公开讨论。与其他分析过的La Angostura面板相比,这揭示了一种不同的绘画技术,在La Angostura的其他面板上,油漆以薄层的形式涂在岩石支架的光滑表面上。据我们所知,这是关于将石膏和硬石膏鉴定为巴塔哥尼亚岩石艺术中准备层成分的第一份报告。这一结果有助于就岩石艺术中硫酸钙的起源和功能展开公开讨论。
