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The Great Repudiator and Immigration Reform: Ronald Reagan and the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986
Journal of Policy History ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2018-08-31 , DOI: 10.1017/s0898030618000246
Craig A. Kaplowitz

:In 1981, Ronald Reagan created a task force intended to gain the initiative on immigration reform. But immigration reform presented obstacles to his political stance in repudiation of his Democratic predecessors. After four years of wrangling, internally as well as with Congress, many on the Reagan team viewed the immigration task force as having shackled the president to an unwinnable issue. Frustrated politically, Reagan aides shifted focus to an emerging presidential tactic—the signing statement. This allowed the president to sign the Immigration Reform and Control Act while setting important precedents for his larger conservative agenda. The trajectory from presidential task force to presidential signing statement on immigration reform reveals the challenges Reagan faced on policy issues outside his core priorities, and also the development of a tactic to maneuver through the challenges. Immigration reform became less about immigration than about serving the administration’s larger core priorities.


伟大的拒绝者和移民改革:罗纳德·里根和 1986 年的移民改革和控制法案

: 1981 年,罗纳德·里根 (Ronald Reagan) 成立了一个工作组,旨在获得移民改革的主动权。但移民改革对他拒绝民主党前任的政治立场构成障碍。经过四年的内部以及与国会的争论,里根团队中的许多人认为移民工作组将总统束缚在一个无法取胜的问题上。在政治上受挫的里根助手将注意力转移到了一项新兴的总统策略——签署声明上。这使得总统能够签署移民改革和控制法案,同时为他更大的保守议程设定重要的先例。从总统工作组到总统签署移民改革声明的轨迹揭示了里根在其核心优先事项之外的政策问题上面临的挑战,以及制定应对挑战的策略。移民改革不再是关于移民而是服务于政府更大的核心优先事项。