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Sociolinguistics of Judeo-Spanish
Language and Linguistics Compass Pub Date : 2018-02-26 , DOI: 10.1111/lnc3.12274
Bryan Kirschen 1

In this paper, I address sociolinguistic concerns related to the Judeo-Spanish language from prior to the expulsion of the Sephardic Jews from Spain (1492) and Portugal (1497) until the present day. After discussing relevant sociolinguistic models pre- and post-expulsion in order to account for variation across Judeo-Spanish speech communities worldwide, I discuss the current ethnolinguistic vitality of the language as well as the domains of use whereby speakers continue to utilize their heritage language. I then discuss sociolinguistic variation, noting variables that may condition elements of speech, supported by synchronic and diachronic studies related to the language. Given such factors, I examine two major contact situations: that of code-switching across communities as well as contact with non-Sephardic (“Modern”) varieties of Spanish. I conclude by offering ways in which students and scholars of the language can advance Judeo-Spanish sociolinguistics as a field, including a discussion of current research methodologies and other key considerations of the 21st century.


