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Behind the Scaffolding: Manipulations of Time, Delays, and Power in Tarlabaşı, Istanbul
City & Society ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-25 , DOI: 10.1111/ciso.12348
Alize Arıcan 1

Taksim 360, located in the Tarlabaşı neighborhood of Istanbul, is one of the first state‐led urban transformation projects in Turkey. Originally scheduled to be finished in 2014, the project is still under construction. Concordant with broader discussions, Tarlabaşı’s urban transformation has been largely studied through spatial lenses centered on accumulation by dispossession and displacement. These works assume that urban transformation projects necessarily follow a linear trajectory from inception to completion. Building on and diverging from this body of research, I examine the relationships between construction companies, subcontractors, and politicians involved in Taksim 360 through ethnographic fieldwork and media analysis with a critical emphasis on temporality. I argue that urban transformation in fact works through manipulations of time, which necessitates a temporal analytical lens that does not take teleologies of buildings projects for granted. It is specifically through delays that economic and political power is exerted, navigated, and negotiated within Taksim 360 using legal contracts, work stoppages, and stand‐offs; conjuring of continued investment; and improvisations with labor and political capital. And so, delays emerge as modus operandi of urban transformation rather than measures of its failures or successes



Taksim 360位于伊斯坦布尔塔拉巴什(Tarlabaşı)附近,是土耳其最早的国家主导的城市改造项目之一。该项目原定于2014年完成,但目前仍在建设中。与更广泛的讨论相一致,塔拉巴希的城市转型主要通过空间透镜来研究,该透镜以处置和流离失所的积累为中心。这些工作假设城市改造项目从开始到完成必须遵循线性轨迹。在此研究的基础上和与之不同,我通过民族志实地考察和媒体分析(特别是对时间性的关注),研究了参与塔克西姆360的建筑公司,分包商和政客之间的关系。我认为城市改造实际上是通过操纵时间来实现的,这就需要一个时间分析镜头,该镜头不能将建筑项目的目的论视为理所当然。特别是通过延迟使用法律合同,停工和僵持措施在Taksim 360内行使,操纵和谈判经济和政治权力; 吸引持续的投资;以及即兴劳动和政治资本。因此,延迟的出现是城市改造的惯常手段,而不是衡量其失败或成功的方法。