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Defending Indigenous Midwifery: Finding a Common Path Among Researchers, Midwives, and Activists
Annals of Anthropological Practice ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-12-02 , DOI: 10.1111/napa.12150
Mounia El Kotni 1

In this essay, I reflect on six years of collaboration between myself and an organization of indigenous midwives in Mexico. I interrogate the process of finding common grounds between researchers and activists, which includes building a shared political vision of indigenous midwifery and negotiating disagreements on the different ways to impulse change. Building on my experience with Mexican midwives and activists, I share some of the tools we have used, both from within and outside of academia, to contribute to social change. I build on Shannon Speed's call for a “critically engaged activist research” to raise awareness on the urgency of moving from applied anthropology to activist anthropology.



在本文中,我回顾了自己与墨西哥土著助产士组织之间六年的合作。我询问了在研究人员和激进主义者之间寻找共同点的过程,其中包括就土著助产建立共同的政治视野,并就推动变革的不同方式进行协商。基于我与墨西哥助产士和维权人士的经验,我分享了我们在学术界内部和外部使用的一些工具,它们为社会变革做出了贡献。我以Shannon Speed呼吁进行“批判性的激进主义者研究”为基础,以提高人们对从应用人类学转向激进主义者人类学的紧迫性的认识。