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Où vivre sans boire revisited: Water and political‐economic change among Mikea hunter‐gatherers of southwestern Madagascar
Economic Anthropology ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-08-28 , DOI: 10.1002/sea2.12160
Bram Tucker 1

In this article, I present a political‐ecological history of the Mikea Forest of southwestern Madagascar, and of the Mikea people, anchored in four water‐themed moments: 1966, with the publication of one of the first ethnographic descriptions of Mikea, Où vivre sans boire, “where they live without drinking”; 1998, when Mikea combined foraging with swidden maize agriculture and traveled long distances to get their water; 2003, when a Joint Commission of organizations, working to halt deforestation, considered plans for canals to irrigate potential farmland; and 2018, when Mikea living on the edge of a new national park desperately waited for rain. I offer “hydrosocial moments” as a way to extend Boelens and colleagues' “hydrosocial territories” through time. Water facts and truths change through a dialectical process of truth assertion and contradiction. In the Mikea case, one changing truth was who Mikea are: exotic desert hunter‐gatherers, victimized indigenous peoples losing forest to rapacious farmers, or poor people in need of development. Interveners borrowed truths from neighboring hydrosocial territories. The concepts of hydrosocial territories and moments are significant because they have real effects, in this case, poverty.



在本文中,我介绍了马达加斯加西南部的Mikea森林和Mikea人民的政治生态历史,这段历史以四个以水为主题的时刻为基础:1966年,Ou vivre关于Mikea的第一份人种学描述出版Sans Boire,“他们不喝酒的地方”;1998年,迈克(Mikea)与觅食的玉米农业结合起来,长途跋涉取水。2003年,一个致力于阻止森林砍伐的组织联合委员会审议了运河灌溉潜在农田的计划;2018年,住在新国家公园边缘的Mikea拼命等着下雨。我提供“水上社交时刻”,以此作为扩展Boelens和同事的“水上社会领地”的方式。水的事实和真理通过真理的断言和矛盾的辩证过程而发生变化。在Mikea案中,一个不断变化的事实是Mikea是谁:异国风情的沙漠狩猎采集者,受害的原住民因贪婪的农民而失去了森林,或需要发展的穷人。干预者从邻近的水社会领地借来了真相。水社会领域和时刻的概念很重要,因为它们会产生实际影响,在这种情况下,就是贫困。