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Flags and Shields: Muslim Socialities and Informal Livelihoods in Dar es Salaam
City & Society ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-28 , DOI: 10.1111/ciso.12353
Benjamin Kirby 1

In this article I explore entanglements of Muslim sociality and informal livelihoods in Dar es Salaam. I propose that Muslim practices of affiliation deserve to be counted among the ordinary strategies that urban majorities employ to navigate the city amidst conditions of uncertainty. Building on the work of Stephan Lanz and Martijn Oosterbaan (2016) on 'entrepreneurial religion', I draw on 15 months of ethnographic research in Kariakoo, a super-dense market district at the centre of the city. The first part of my analysis explores associational life in Dar es Salaam, combining a historical overview with ethnographic description. I explore how urban actors use affiliations to football teams and political parties to generate livelihood opportunities and to secure protection. The second part of my analysis uses emic notions of 'flags' (bendera) and 'shields' (ngao) to demonstrate that Muslim modes of association operate in strikingly similar ways to those pertaining to football and politics. Engaging with the conceptual vocabularies of AbdouMaliq Simone and Erving Goffman, as well as recent debates about ‘everyday’ and ‘lived Islam’, this article foregrounds the interplay between religious forms and neoliberal processes of informalization as they are unfolding in African cities and beyond.



在本文中,我探讨了达累斯萨拉姆穆斯林社会与非正式生计的纠缠。我建议,穆斯林的联属关系应被计入在不确定性条件下,城市多数人在城市中使用的普通策略中。基于斯蒂芬·兰兹(Stephan Lanz)和马丁·奥斯特巴恩(Martijn Oosterbaan)(2016)在“创业宗教”方面的工作,我在卡里亚库(Kariakoo)这个城市中心的超密集市场区进行了为期15个月的人种志研究。我的分析的第一部分探讨了达累斯萨拉姆的社团生活,将历史概述与民族志描述相结合。我探讨了城市参与者如何利用与足球队和政党的隶属关系来创造生计机会并获得保护。我的分析的第二部分使用'flags'的emic概念 (bendera)和“盾牌”(ngao)来证明穆斯林的结社模式的运作方式与足球和政治相关的方式极为相似。结合AbdouMaliq Simone和Erving Goffman的概念词汇,以及最近有关“每天”和“活着的伊斯兰”的辩论,本文着重探讨了宗教形式与新自由主义非正规化进程之间的相互作用,因为它们在非洲城市及其他地区正在出现。