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io-Impedance Measurement Optimization for High-Resolution Carotid Pulse Sensing
Sensors ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-25 , DOI: 10.3390/s21051600
Ting-Wei Wang , Hsiao-Wei Chu , Lin Chou , Yen-Ling Sung , Yuan-Ta Shih , Po-Chun Hsu , Hao-Min Cheng , Shien-Fong Lin

Continuous hemodynamic monitoring is important for long-term cardiovascular healthcare, especially in hypertension. The impedance plethysmography (IPG) based carotid pulse sensing is a non-invasive diagnosis technique for measuring pulse signals and further evaluating the arterial conditions of the patient such as continuous blood pressure (BP) monitoring. To reach the high-resolution IPG-based carotid pulse detection for cardiovascular applications, this study provides an optimized measurement parameter in response to obvious pulsation from the carotid artery. The influence of the frequency of excitation current, electrode cross-sectional area, electrode arrangements, and physiological site of carotid arteries on IPG measurement resolution was thoroughly investigated for optimized parameters. In this study, the IPG system was implemented and installed on the subject’s neck above the carotid artery to evaluate the measurement parameters. The measurement results within 6 subjects obtained the arterial impedance variation of 2137 mΩ using the optimized measurement conditions, including excitation frequency of 50 kHz, a smaller area of 2 cm2, electrode spacing of 4 cm and 1.7 cm for excitation and sensing functions, and location on the left side of the neck. The significance of this study demonstrates an optimized measurement methodology of IPG-based carotid pulse sensing that greatly improves the measurement quality in cardiovascular monitoring.



连续的血流动力学监测对于长期心血管保健尤其是高血压非常重要。基于阻抗体积描记法(IPG)的颈动脉脉搏感测是一种非侵入性诊断技术,用于测量脉搏信号并进一步评估患者的动脉状况,例如连续血压(BP)监测。为了达到针对心血管应用的基于IPG的高分辨率颈动脉搏动检测,本研究提供了一种优化的测量参数,以响应来自颈动脉的明显搏动。为了优化参数,彻底研究了激励电流的频率,电极的横截面积,电极的布置以及颈动脉的生理部位对IPG测量分辨率的影响。在这项研究中,实施IPG系统并将其安装在受试者颈动脉上方的脖子上,以评估测量参数。使用优化的测量条件(包括50 kHz的激励频率,2 cm的较小面积),在6个受试者的测量结果中获得了2137mΩ的动脉阻抗变化如图2所示,用于激励和感测功能的电极间距分别为4 cm和1.7 cm,并且位置位于颈部的左侧。这项研究的意义证明了基于IPG的颈动脉脉搏传感的优化测量方法,可大大改善心血管监测的测量质量。