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Propaganda and Entertainment in the BBC Latin American Service During WW2
Media History ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-24 , DOI: 10.1080/13688804.2021.1891875
Daniel Mandur Thomaz

In this article I will analyse a body of documents that shed new light on the activity of the BBC Latin American Service (LAS) during the Second World War. These documents have the potential to reveal how entertainment programmes commissioned by the Corporation to be broadcast to Latin America were used as part of propaganda campaigns, designed to counter Nazi-Fascist influence in the region. These documents consist of: the minutes of BBC LAS Propaganda Policy Committee meetings, held in the presence of the Ministry of Information (MOI) staff members; correspondence exchanged between the BBC and the MOI; as well as original radio drama scripts written in Portuguese by Brazilian journalist, novelist and playwright Antônio Callado, which were broadcast to Brazil by BBC LAS in 1943. Callado’s scripts function as a case study to discuss the impact of propaganda policies in LAS entertainment programmes.


二战期间 BBC 拉丁美洲服务中的宣传和娱乐

在本文中,我将分析一组文件,这些文件为 BBC 拉丁美洲服务 (LAS) 在第二次世界大战期间的活动提供了新的视角。这些文件有可能揭示该公司委托向拉丁美洲广播的娱乐节目如何被用作宣传活动的一部分,旨在对抗纳粹法西斯在该地区的影响。这些文件包括:在新闻部 (MOI) 工作人员在场的情况下举行的 BBC LAS 宣传政策委员会会议记录;BBC 和 MOI 之间交换的通信;以及巴西记者、小说家和剧作家安东尼奥·卡拉多(Antônio Callado)用葡萄牙语编写的原创广播剧剧本,这些剧本于 1943 年由 BBC LAS 播出到巴西。
