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Strategies for Sisterhood in the Language Education Academy
Journal of Language, Identity & Education ( IF 1.770 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-24 , DOI: 10.1080/15348458.2020.1833725
Sister Scholars


Almost 20 years after the publication of our co-authored article in a leading North American academic journal, seven female language education academics revisit our evolving analysis of the complex spaces occupied by women of color in the language education academy. We expand on the particularities of our place-based struggles and ask questions about how conditions in the academy and the world have changed for us as female and racially minoritized scholars over the past dozen years. Over the years, we have sought to cultivate strategic and analytic expertise that might enable us to thrive in the academy without compromising our political stance nor our integrity. We share the stories of our experiences in the form of strategies for solidarity, feminism, and antiracism in the academy, asking how racially minoritized women can carve out productive lives in the academy without taking on dominant ideologies of self-interest, self-promotion, exploitation, competitiveness, individualism, and neoliberalism.




在我们共同撰写的文章在北美领先的学术期刊上发表近 20 年后,七位女性语言教育学者重新审视了我们对语言教育学院中有色人种女性所占据的复杂空间的不断演变的分析。我们扩展了我们基于地方的斗争的特殊性,并询问在过去的十几年里,作为女性和少数民族学者,学术界和世界的条件发生了怎样的变化。多年来,我们一直在寻求培养战略和分析专业知识,使我们能够在不损害我们的政治立场和诚信的情况下在学院中茁壮成长。我们在学院以团结、女权主义和反种族主义战略的形式分享我们的经历故事,
