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Towards a multi-basin SWAT model for the migration of nutrients and pesticides to Puck Bay (Southern Baltic Sea)
PeerJ ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-25 , DOI: 10.7717/peerj.10938
Paweł Wielgat 1 , Dominika Kalinowska 1 , Adam Szymkiewicz 1 , Piotr Zima 1 , Beata Jaworska-Szulc 1 , Ewa Wojciechowska 1 , Nicole Nawrot 1 , Karolina Matej-Lukowicz 1 , Lidia Anita Dzierzbicka-Glowacka 2

Background This paper analyzes the impact of changes in fertilization on crop yields and the runoff of nutrients from a small agricultural catchment (176 km2) to a shallow bay, using the SWAT model. Puck Bay is part of the Gulf of Gdansk and belongs to the Baltic Sea. The whole area of Puck Bay (364 km2) is protected (Natura 2000) yet despite this it suffers from eutrophication problems due to the relatively minimal depth and difficult water exchange. Methods The paper presents a comparison of the calculated yields and the runoff of nutrients and pesticides in the SWAT model, for a small agricultural coastal catchment. Calculations were made for 13 crop scenarios with weather data from 2011 to 2019. For each crop, an agriculture calendar was made. Two variants of fertilization were considered (autofertilization mode and according to the calendar). The nutrient runoff was calculated depending on the adopted scenario. In addition, the fate of selected pesticides was simulated. Results Depending on the crop, the annual load of NO3into the stream ranged from 0.74 to 3.65 kg ha−1. The annual load of organic phosphorous into the stream was between 0.686 and 3.64 kg ha−1. This is lower than in the majority of EU or Baltic countries. The surface runoff of dissolved Glyphosate was equal to 286 mg ha−1. The annual loads of nutrients from the catchment area are equivalent in both fertilization modes. Regardless of the selected fertilization mode, in addition to the dosage, the form of nutrients is important for the model.


建立一个多盆地 SWAT 模型,用于将营养物质和农药迁移到 Puck 湾(波罗的海南部)

背景 本文使用 SWAT 模型分析了施肥变化对作物产量的影响以及从小型农业集水区(176 平方公里)到浅海湾的养分径流。帕克湾是格但斯克湾的一部分,属于波罗的海。帕克湾的整个区域(364 平方公里)都受到保护(Natura 2000),尽管如此,由于深度相对较小且水交换困难,它仍存在富营养化问题。方法 本文比较了一个小型农业沿海集水区在 SWAT 模型中计算的产量以及养分和农药的径流。使用 2011 年至 2019 年的天气数据对 13 种作物情景进行了计算。为每种作物制定了农业日历。考虑了两种受精方式(自动受精模式和根据日历)。根据采用的情景计算养分径流。此外,还模拟了所选农药的命运。结果 根据作物的不同,每年流入河流的 NO3 负荷范围为 0.74 至 3.65 kg ha-1。每年流入河流的有机磷量在 0.686 至 3.64 kg ha-1 之间。这低于大多数欧盟或波罗的海国家。溶解的草甘膦的地表径流等于 286 mg ha-1。在两种施肥模式下,集水区的年养分负荷是相等的。无论选择何种施肥方式,除了剂量外,养分的形式对模型也很重要。NO3 进入河流的年负荷范围为 0.74 至 3.65 kg ha-1。每年流入河流的有机磷量在 0.686 至 3.64 kg ha-1 之间。这低于大多数欧盟或波罗的海国家。溶解的草甘膦的地表径流等于 286 mg ha-1。在两种施肥模式下,集水区的年养分负荷是相等的。无论选择何种施肥方式,除了剂量外,养分的形式对模型也很重要。NO3 进入河流的年负荷范围为 0.74 至 3.65 kg ha-1。每年流入河流的有机磷量在 0.686 至 3.64 kg ha-1 之间。这低于大多数欧盟或波罗的海国家。溶解的草甘膦的地表径流等于 286 mg ha-1。在两种施肥模式下,集水区的年养分负荷是相等的。无论选择何种施肥方式,除了剂量外,养分的形式对模型也很重要。在两种施肥模式下,集水区的年养分负荷是相等的。无论选择何种施肥方式,除了剂量外,养分的形式对模型也很重要。在两种施肥模式下,集水区的年养分负荷是相等的。无论选择何种施肥方式,除了剂量外,养分的形式对模型也很重要。