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Trauma-informed child welfare practice model in Methodist Welfare Services Covenant Family Service Centre (Singapore)
Children Australia Pub Date : 2019-04-29 , DOI: 10.1017/cha.2019.10
Cindy Hui Mei Ng-Tay , Joyce Teo , Yi Ying Ng

In view of the rise in child abuse in Singapore, our Family Service Centre developed a child welfare practice model to guide and anchor our practitioners in trauma-informed approaches. This practice model was developed over two years through literature reviews and qualitative interviews with practitioners. Three aspects of the practice model were found to be key in ensuring practitioners were trauma-informed in their practices, these being: the principles and values related to trauma-informed practice; reflection by practitioners on their attachment history and self; and the assessment of caregivers’ characteristics. Despite this practice model being largely beneficial for practitioners in our agency, implementation in the local context gives rise to certain challenges due to differences in beliefs about disciplining children.


