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The Promise and Pitfalls of the Real
Theatre Survey ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2016-08-10 , DOI: 10.1017/s0040557416000442
Dani Snyder-Young

Audience members sit at tables and desks in an interactive classroom, an immersive performance space designed to evoke a K–12 classroom. Blackboards are covered with homework assignments and test reminders, posters with test-taking tips and motivational quotes such as “For success, attitude is as important as ability.” Collaboraction's production of Forgotten Future: The Education Project begins as an interracial, intergenerational ensemble of actors enters the space chanting and waving signs reading “Support our Schools: Don't Close Them” and “Save our Schools” in protest of Chicago's dysfunctional public school system. They wear red T-shirts, and several are clad in the real-life protest T-shirts worn during the school closure protests and the teachers' strike during the 2012–13 school year. The audience soon claps and chants along: “There's no power like the power of the people and the power of the people don't stop” (clap, clap). Adult actors playing parents and teachers give speeches in between the chants. The kids in the ensemble try to speak, but the adults run right over them. By the end of the rally, the kids are standing off in a corner of the space, forlorn and ignored, while the adults yell on their behalf without ever asking for their perspective.



观众坐在互动教室的桌前,这是一个沉浸式表演空间,旨在唤起 K-12 教室的氛围。黑板上贴满了家庭作业和考试提醒、带有考试技巧的海报和励志名言,例如“为了成功,态度与能力同等重要”。合作生产被遗忘的未来:教育项目开始时,跨种族、跨代的演员合奏进入空间,高呼并挥舞标语,上面写着“支持我们的学校:不要关闭它们”和“拯救我们的学校”,以抗议芝加哥功能失调的公立学校系统。他们身穿红色 T 恤,其中一些人穿着在 2012-13 学年学校停课抗议和教师罢工期间穿的真实抗议 T 恤。观众很快就跟着鼓掌,高呼:“没有比人民的力量更强大的力量,人民的力量不会停止”(拍手,拍手)。扮演父母和老师的成年演员在歌声之间发表演讲。合奏中的孩子们试图说话,但成年人却从他们身上跑了过来。集会结束时,孩子们站在空间的一个角落,孤单而被忽视,