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Circus Training for Autistic Children: Difference, Creativity, and Community
New Theatre Quarterly ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2017-01-10 , DOI: 10.1017/s0266464x16000658
Kristy Seymour , Patricia Wise

Circus training can benefit children diagnosed on the autistic spectrum and their families. In 2010, as Head Trainer at Flipside Circus in Brisbane, Kristy Seymour developed a method for using circus as a therapeutic tool for children with autism. In this article, she and Patricia Wise work between experiential and theoretical positions to explore how circus can open up a new world to such children, enabling them to take risks physically and emotionally, and to stretch the capacities of their bodies in an environment that enriches their social development. Seymour and Wise deploy the idea of ‘chaosmos’ from Deleuze and Guattari, Pope, and others to argue that, counter-intuitively, children with autism benefit from the environment of creative chaos that attends circus. Through Agamben's work on being and singularity they discuss how circus values difference and inclusivity, building community in ways also captured by Probyn's notion of ‘outside belonging’. Kristy Seymour has worked for over sixteen years in contemporary circus as an aerialist, trainer, artistic director, creative producer, and choreographer. She has a significant profile in the youth circus sector, and is completing doctoral research on Australian contemporary circus in Griffith University's School of Humanities, Languages and Social Science. An Associate Professor in the same School, Patricia Wise is a cultural theorist whose publications range over cultural policy and urban studies, inflected by interests in spatiality, materiality and gender. This article reflects a parallel concern with cultural practices in communities of difference, as does a recent co-publication on the value of participatory music for the welbeing of detained asylum seekers.



马戏训练可以使被诊断患有自闭症的儿童及其家人受益。2010 年,作为布里斯班 Flipside Circus 的首席培训师,Kristy Seymour 开发了一种使用马戏团作为自闭症儿童治疗工具的方法。在本文中,她和帕特里夏·怀斯在经验和理论立场之间展开合作,探索马戏团如何为这些孩子打开一个新世界,使他们能够在身体和情感上承担风险,并在丰富的环境中伸展他们的身体能力。他们的社会发展。西摩和怀斯运用德勒兹和瓜塔里、波普和其他人的“混乱”概念来论证,与直觉相反,自闭症儿童受益于马戏团的创造性混乱环境。通过阿甘本 在关于存在和奇点的工作中,他们讨论了马戏团如何重视差异和包容性,以同样被 Probyn 的“外部归属感”概念捕捉的方式建立社区。Kristy Seymour 在当代马戏团工作超过 16 年,担任空中飞人、培训师、艺术总监、创意制作人和编舞。她在青年马戏领域享有盛誉,目前正在格里菲斯大学人文、语言和社会科学学院完成澳大利亚当代马戏的博士研究。作为同一学院的副教授,Patricia Wise 是一位文化理论家,其出版物涵盖文化政策和城市研究,受到对空间性、物质性和性别的兴趣的影响。本文反映了对不同社区的文化习俗的平行关注,