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Beyond the Gender Divide: Looking for Shakespeare in Han Tae-Sook’s Lady Macbeth
New Theatre Quarterly ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2016-01-07 , DOI: 10.1017/s0266464x15000834
Yeeyon Im

Han Tae-Sook’s Lady Macbeth, a theatre adaptation by a leading woman director in Korea, has been interpreted largely from a feminist and intercultural perspective. In this article Yeeyon Im examines a body of criticism on Han’s production to raise awareness of the danger of totalization in current critical geography in Korea, which may marginalize non-ideological views. The humanist issues of evil, desire, and guilt, which are explicit themes of Lady Macbeth, have been neglected by critics in favour of discourses of difference. Yeeyon Im asks if ‘the subaltern can speak’ of universality, and calls for a new literary humanism that allows reflection on how to live through the help of literature. Yeeyon Im is Associate Professor of English at Yeungnam University in South Korea, where she teaches Shakespeare and drama. She has published widely on Shakespeare and modern drama. Her articles on intercultural Shakespeare productions of Lee Yountaek and Ninagawa Yukio have appeared in Theatre Journal, Shakespeare, and Shakespeare Bulletin. She has also translated into Korean plays by Ben Jonson (Volpone and The Alchemist) and Christopher Marlowe (Dido, Queen of Carthage).



韩泰淑的麦克白夫人这部由韩国女导演改编的戏剧,很大程度上是从女权主义和跨文化的角度来解读的。在这篇文章中,Yeeyon Im 审视了对韩文创作的一系列批评,以提高人们对韩国当前批判地理学中总体化危险的认识,这可能会边缘化非意识形态的观点。邪恶、欲望和内疚的人文主义问题,这些都是明确的主题麦克白夫人, 已被批评者忽视,而赞成差异性话语。Yeeyon Im 询问“下层是否可以谈论”普遍性,并呼吁一种新的文学人文主义,允许反思如何在文学的帮助下生活。Yeeyon Im 是韩国岭南大学的英语副教授,她在那里教授莎士比亚和戏剧。她发表了大量关于莎士比亚和现代戏剧的文章。她关于李英泽和蜷川由纪夫的跨文化莎士比亚作品的文章出现在戏剧杂志,莎士比亚, 和莎士比亚公报. 她还翻译了本·琼森(Ben Jonson)的韩剧(沃尔蓬炼金术士) 和克里斯托弗·马洛 (迦太基女王狄多)。