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Slow-Walk: Climate as Volatility and Expansive Political Practice
Dance Research Journal ( IF 0.4 ) Pub Date : 2016-12-20 , DOI: 10.1017/s014976771600036x
May Joseph

A lone tree stands in the midst of a devastated landscape at Rikuzentakata, Japan. At Aceh, Malacca, a whole generation is washed out by the 2004 tsunami. At Beach 116, Far Rockaway, New York City, the entire street is swept away as the sea rolls in from the ocean toward the Jamaica Bay end of the avenue, built on a slope from ocean to bay on a barrier island. These scenes of climate volatility arouse in coastal communities a sense of vulnerability, of risk as a way of life. It is a daily choreography of uncertainty whose underlying structures shape the performance work of the movement-based theater company Harmattan Theater, which I started in 2009.



在日本陆前高田,一棵孤零零的树矗立在一片被毁坏的景观中。在马六甲的亚齐,整整一代人都被 2004 年的海啸冲走。在纽约市法洛克威 (Far Rockaway) 的 116 号海滩,整条街道都被卷走,海水从大海向大道尽头的牙买加湾滚滚而来,这条大道建在一个从海洋到海湾的斜坡上,位于一个屏障岛上。这些气候波动的场景在沿海社区引起了一种脆弱感,一种生活方式的风险感。这是一个关于不确定性的日常编排,其基本结构塑造了我于 2009 年开始的以运动为基础的剧院公司 Harmattan Theatre 的表演工作。