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Positive Interventions: Alternate Routes to Quality Workplace Relationships
Industrial and Organizational Psychology ( IF 11.5 ) Pub Date : 2018-09-20 , DOI: 10.1017/iop.2018.103
Tao Yang , Paresh Mishra

Social exchange theory (SET) is an important foundation of social sciences from which many workplace theories have emerged. Chernyak-Hai and Rabenu (2018) contend that social exchange is at the heart of workplace relationships. Although SET is a complex framework, in essence, it views workplace interactions as exchanges of resources broadly construed, ranging from tangible resources such as money, goods, and services to intangible ones such as information, support, and trust (Cropanzano & Mitchell, 2005; Foa & Foa, 1980). Governed by the rule of reciprocity, parties involved in social exchanges use rational deliberation to gauge how much they need to repay for others’ actions. Chernyak-Hai and Rabenu posit that workplace theories rooted in SET should be modified to accommodate the new realities in modern organizations. Although we concur with their observations about new characteristics of work, we are not as optimistic as Chernyak-Hai and Rabenu about SET's capacity to guide our understanding and actions to improve workplace relationships. We argue that positive interventions are important complements to the social exchange process, thereby promoting the quality of work relationships.



社会交换理论 (SET) 是社会科学的一个重要基础,许多工作场所理论由此产生。Chernyak-Hai 和 Rabenu (2018) 认为,社会交流是工作场所关系的核心。尽管 SET 是一个复杂的框架,但从本质上讲,它将工作场所的互动视为广义上的资源交换,从金钱、商品和服务等有形资源到信息、支持和信任等无形资源(Cropanzano & Mitchell, 2005 ;Foa 和 Foa,1980 年)。在互惠规则的约束下,参与社会交往的各方通过理性的商议来衡量他们需要为他人的行为付出多少回报。Chernyak-Hai 和 Rabenu 认为,植根于 SET 的工作场所理论应该进行修改,以适应现代组织中的新现实。尽管我们同意他们对工作新特征的观察,但我们并不像 Chernyak-Hai 和 Rabenu 那样对 SET 指导我们的理解和行动以改善工作关系的能力持乐观态度。我们认为,积​​极的干预是对社会交换过程的重要补充,从而提高了工作关系的质量。