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Workplace civility training: An antidote to traditional sexual harassment training
Industrial and Organizational Psychology ( IF 11.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-03-01 , DOI: 10.1017/iop.2019.16
Mark S. Nagy , Deborah J. Curl-Nagy

Medeiros and Griffith (2019) note that there are many issues with sexual harassment training that are unique and, therefore, represent challenges when designing and delivering that type of training. In this commentary, we argue that workplace civility training is well-suited to overcome many of those challenges noted by Medeiros and Griffith and represents an effective approach to not only preventing sexual harassment, but also to changing the culture of harassment within an organization and, more specifically, a workgroup. Although there are several models of civility training (e.g., Civility, Respect, Engagement in the Workforce (CREW); Osatuke, Moore, Ward, Dyrenforth, & Belton, 2009), in general, Workplace Civility Training (WCT) focuses on enhancing respect among all members of a workgroup. Such training begins by having a particular workgroup define what it means to treat each member within that workgroup with respect and dignity. Importantly, different workgroups may derive different definitions of what it means to treat everyone in their work unit with respect. Because of that, workplace civility is defined at the local level, or within the work unit. In other words, civility is not defined by leaders of an organization, although some components of civility may be shared among all workgroups. Instead, each workgroup decides, for themselves, what it means to treat each other with respect. Additionally, each workgroup decides, for themselves, the boundaries that exist for those respectful behaviors and how to hold each other accountable when those boundaries are crossed. Clearly, such behaviors and boundaries could include what constitutes appropriate behavior and language involving sexual innuendo and connotations in the workplace. WCT should also be led by a trained external facilitator who is not only well-versed in facilitating discussion but also knowledgeable about discrimination and other employment laws. A trained facilitator can help ensure that agreed-upon behaviors are not violating anti-discrimination laws (e.g., it is not okay to only hire applicants under 40, regardless of whether the workgroup wants to do so), as well as ensure that such discussion is confidential and will not be used against anyone in the workgroup by upper management. Moreover, as noted by Medeiros and Griffith (2019), training is much more effective when led by external trainers as opposed to peers (Anderson & Whiston, 2005). By agreeing on what constitutes respectful behavior as well as how they will hold each other accountable, employees are empowered to police themselves when a workplace behavior crosses, or even approaches, an agreed-upon boundary. Because all members of a workgroup are involved in determining those definitions and boundaries, members of the workgroup may also intervene when they witness inappropriate behaviors targeted toward others in their workgroup. In this way, the outcomes of a WCT can address early perceptions of sexual harassment and therefore generate a discussion about the questionable behavior before it escalates into something far more serious. Incorporating WCT into the workplace also has many advantages over traditional sexual harassment training. Medeiros and Griffith (2019) noted that most employment training should create opportunities to practice and apply the learned skills in the work environment



Medeiros 和 Griffith(2019 年)指出,性骚扰培训存在许多独特的问题,因此在设计和提供此类培训时面临挑战。在本评论中,我们认为工作场所文明培训非常适合克服 Medeiros 和 Griffith 指出的许多挑战,是一种有效的方法,不仅可以防止性骚扰,而且可以改变组织内的骚扰文化,并且,更具体地说,是一个工作组。尽管文明培训有多种模式(例如,文明、尊重、参与员工队伍 (CREW);Osatuke、Moore、Ward、Dyrenforth 和 Belton,2009),但总的来说,工作场所文明培训 (WCT) 侧重于增强尊重在工作组的所有成员之间。这种培训首先让一个特定的工作组定义尊重和尊严地对待该工作组中的每个成员意味着什么。重要的是,对于尊重工作单位中的每个人意味着什么,不同的工作组可能会得出不同的定义。因此,工作场所文明是在地方层面或工作单位内定义的。换句话说,文明不是由组织的领导者定义的,尽管文明的某些组成部分可能在所有工作组之间共享。相反,每个工作组自己决定尊重彼此意味着什么。此外,每个工作组自己决定这些尊重行为的界限,以及在跨越这些界限时如何让彼此承担责任。清楚地,此类行为和界限可包括构成工作场所中涉及性暗示和暗示的适当行为和语言的内容。WCT 还应由经过培训的外部协调员领导,他不仅精通促进讨论,​​而且了解歧视和其他就业法律。训练有素的协调员可以帮助确保商定的行为不违反反歧视法(例如,只雇用 40 岁以下的申请人是不行的,无论工作组是否愿意这样做),并确保此类讨论是保密的,不会被高层管理人员用来对付工作组中的任何人。此外,正如 Medeiros 和 Griffith(2019 年)所指出的那样,与同行相比,由外部培训师领导的培训更有效(Anderson 和 Whiston,2005 年)。通过就什么构成尊重行为以及他们将如何相互问责达成一致,员工有权在工作场所行为跨越或什至接近商定的边界时进行自我监管。由于工作组的所有成员都参与确定这些定义和边界,因此工作组成员在目睹针对工作组中其他人的不当行为时也可能会进行干预。通过这种方式,WCT 的结果可以解决对性骚扰的早期看法,从而在问题升级为更严重的事情之前引发对可疑行为的讨论。将 WCT 纳入工作场所也比传统的性骚扰培训有很多优势。