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A missing perspective: Considering survivors in sexual misconduct training
Industrial and Organizational Psychology ( IF 11.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-03-01 , DOI: 10.1017/iop.2019.2
Lindsay Y. Dhanani , Ryan C. Johnson , Cassandra E. Colton , Taylor K. Hall

In their focal article, Medeiros and Griffith (2019) advance a number of important recommendations for designing workplace training programs that reduce sexual misconduct. We agree there is a critical need for sexual misconduct training that produces the desired long-lasting behavioral changes that have yet remained elusive. However, in addition to their recommendations, we believe it is also imperative for organizations to carefully consider the perspective of employees who have experienced sexual harassment and/or assault when designing and implementing such training programs. Indeed, given that one-third of women and one out of six men have experienced sexual assault in the United States, and some estimates of sexual harassment are even higher (National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine, 2018; Smith et al., 2017), it is all but inevitable that organizations will deliver training to employees with prior experiences of assault and/or harassment. By considering the perspective of these survivors,1 organizations can carefully design training that does not unnecessarily exacerbate their prior trauma. To elucidate the importance of this perspective, we first detail the potential harmful effects of sexual misconduct training for survivors and then provide recommendations for designing survivor supportive training.



在他们的焦点文章中,Medeiros 和 Griffith(2019 年)提出了一些重要的建议,用于设计减少性行为不端的工作场所培训计划。我们同意,迫切需要进行性行为不端培训,以产生所需的长期行为改变,但这些改变仍然难以实现。然而,除了他们的建议之外,我们认为组织在设计和实施此类培训计划时也必须仔细考虑经历过性骚扰和/或攻击的员工的观点。事实上,鉴于美国三分之一的女性和六分之一的男性遭受过性侵犯,一些对性骚扰的估计甚至更高(美国国家科学、工程和医学研究院,2018 年;Smith 等人,2018 年)。 , 2017), 组织几乎不可避免地会向有攻击和/或骚扰经历的员工提供培训。通过考虑这些幸存者的观点,1 组织可以仔细设计培训,避免不必要地加剧他们先前的创伤。为了阐明这一观点的重要性,我们首先详细说明了性行为不端培训对幸存者的潜在有害影响,然后为设计幸存者支持培训提供了建议。