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Moving in the Spirit
International Review of Mission ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2016-11-01 , DOI: 10.1111/irom.12147
Martin Robra

Abstract Together towards Life (TTL) holds together a theology of the God of life and the transforming power of the Holy Spirit with the renewal and transformation that begins with a commitment to justice and peace at the margins and anticipates the eschatological vision of the renewal of the whole creation. The theme of the forthcoming World Mission Conference in 2017 in Arusha (Tanzania), "Moving in the Spirit: Called to Transforming Discipleship," marks the intersection between TTL and the Busan call for the pilgrimage of justice and peace. The theme invites participants to advance reflection on the life-giving power of the Holy Spirit and the role of transformative communities moving together in hope of God's reign to come. The example of the World Council of Churches' work on a Theology of Life shows that choosing this direction has implications for the practices of doing theology and even the organisation of the forthcoming World Mission Conference. A fascinating task indeed! Together towards Life and the pilgrimage of justice and peace Confessing a belief in the triune God, Together towards Life (TTL) (1) warns against "the denial of life as a rejection of the God of life" and speaks of "Life in the Holy Spirit" as "the essence of mission, the core of why we do what we do and how we live our lives." (2) TTL * points to the reversal of mission as mission from the margins, * denounces the false faith in mammon as expressed by global market forces, * calls for vibrant mission and evangelism proclaiming God's love and justice, * affirms the need for inter-religious dialogue and cooperation, and * speaks of the church as inclusive community with the mission to announce the loving presence of God in the world and to bring new life. This basis is further elaborated in four chapters, starting with reflections on the Spirit of Mission as ru'ach--the breath of life. It is indicative that reflections on transformative spirituality are part of this section because "authentic Christian witness is not only in what we do in mission, but how we live out our mission." (3) The section includes a thorough critique of neoliberalism as an ideology that leads to the destruction of the basis of life and pleads instead for an economy of life. The following paragraphs speak of transformation in the light of the cross and resurrection of Christ, repentance for the misuse of power and empowerment of the powerless, the promise of life in its fullness in solidarity, the surprising interventions of the Holy Spirit through people at the margins, and the anticipation of life in the Spirit. It is impressive to see how TTL holds together a theology of the God of life and the transforming power of the Holy Spirit with the renewal and transformation that begins with a commitment to justice and peace among people at the margins and anticipates the eschatological vision of the renewal of the whole creation. TTL reminds us of * the conversion of the individual, the holistic proclamation of the good news, * the need for transformation of societies that got caught in a self-destructive spiral in the pursuit of economic growth, * the search for just and sustainable alternatives building up the new life in justice and peace that is discernible in liminal spaces and communities at the margins, and * the wide eschatological and cosmological horizon of Life in the Spirit, where all belong together and inform each other. The theme of the forthcoming World Mission Conference in 2017 in Arusha (Tanzania), "Moving in the Spirit: Called to Transforming Discipleship," provides the opportunity to advance this framework further. The emphasis on the Holy Spirit opens the horizon towards the life-giving presence of God beyond the churches. TTL has begun to explore what this implies for our understanding of life and creation and also for inter-faith relationships and cooperation. …



摘要 共同走向生命 (TTL) 将生命之神的神学和圣灵的改变力量与更新和转变结合在一起,该更新和转变始于对边缘的正义与和平的承诺,并预期了更新的末世异象。整个创作。即将于 2017 年在阿鲁沙(坦桑尼亚)举行的世界宣教大会的主题是“在精神中前进:呼召转变门徒”,标志着 TTL 与釜山呼吁正义与和平的朝圣之旅之间的交集。该主题邀请参与者深入思考圣灵赋予生命的力量以及变革性社区的作用,共同行动以期盼望上帝的统治。世界基督教协进会的例子 生命神学的工作表明,选择这个方向对做神学的实践甚至即将到来的世界宣教大会的组织都有影响。确实是一项引人入胜的任务!一起走向生命和正义与和平的朝圣 承认信仰三位一体的上帝,一起走向生命 (TTL) (1) 警告不要“否认生命是拒绝生命之神”,并谈到“生命中的生命”圣灵”作为“使命的本质,我们为什么做我们所做的事情以及我们如何生活的核心”。(2) TTL * 指出从边缘开始将宣教作为宣教的逆转, * 谴责全球市场力量所表达的对财神的错误信仰, * 呼吁充满活力的宣教和传福音,宣扬上帝的爱和公义,* 肯定宗教间对话与合作的必要性,并 * 谈到教会是包容性社区,其使命是宣布上帝在世界上的慈爱存在并带来新生命。这个基础在四章中进一步阐述,首先是对作为 ru'ach 的使命精神的反思——生命的气息。这表明对变革性灵性的反思是本节的一部分,因为“真正的基督徒见证不仅在于我们在宣教中所做的事情,而且在于我们如何活出我们的使命。” (3) 该部分包括对新自由主义的彻底批判,它是一种意识形态,它导致生命基础的破坏,并为生命经济辩护。以下段落谈到在基督的十字架和复活的光照下的转变,忏悔滥用权力和赋予无能者权力,在团结中充满生命的应许,圣灵通过边缘人的惊人干预,以及对圣灵生活的期待。令人印象深刻的是,看到 TTL 如何将生命之神的神学和圣灵的改变力量与更新和转变结合在一起,这种更新和转变始于对边缘人群的正义与和平的承诺,并预期了末世论的异象。整个创作的更新。TTL 提醒我们 * 个人的转变,好消息的整体宣布, * 在追求经济增长的过程中陷入自我毁灭螺旋的社会需要转型,* 寻找公正和可持续的替代方案,在边缘空间和社区中可辨别的正义与和平中建立新的生活,以及 * 圣灵中生活的广泛末世和宇宙视野,在那里所有人都属于一起并告知每个人其他。即将于 2017 年在阿鲁沙(坦桑尼亚)举行的世界宣教大会的主题是“在精神中行动:呼召转变门徒”,为进一步推进这一框架提供了机会。对圣灵的强调打开了通往教会之外赋予生命的上帝同在的视野。TTL 已经开始探索这对我们理解生命和创造以及不同信仰间的关系和合作意味着什么。… * 属灵生命的广阔末世论和宇宙论视野,在那里所有人都属于一起并相互通知。即将于 2017 年在阿鲁沙(坦桑尼亚)举行的世界宣教大会的主题是“在精神中行动:呼召转变门徒”,为进一步推进这一框架提供了机会。对圣灵的强调打开了通往教会之外赋予生命的上帝同在的视野。TTL 已经开始探索这对我们理解生命和创造以及不同信仰间的关系和合作意味着什么。… * 属灵生命的广阔末世论和宇宙论视野,在那里所有人都属于一起并相互通知。即将于 2017 年在阿鲁沙(坦桑尼亚)举行的世界宣教大会的主题是“在精神中前进:呼召转变门徒”,为进一步推进这一框架提供了机会。对圣灵的强调打开了通往教会之外赋予生命的上帝同在的视野。TTL 已经开始探索这对我们理解生命和创造以及不同信仰间的关系和合作意味着什么。…