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Together towards Life , Missional Formation, and Transforming Discipleship
International Review of Mission ( IF 0.1 ) Pub Date : 2017-06-01 , DOI: 10.1111/irom.12167
Kenneth R. Ross

Abstract Adoption of Together towards Life as a new mission statement of the World Council of Churches was a moment pregnant with possibility. Will this ground-breaking document have a transformative impact on individual lives, on community life, on national life, on international life? The answer, to a great extent, will depend on how far it comes to be used as a resource in education and formation. For it to be used in a relevant and effective way, it will need to be considered contextually. A project has been under way to create a pedagogical guidebook to support the deployment of Together towards Life in missional education and formation. This will promote academic rigour, but will also go further to engage the spiritual level and the challenge of discipleship. A Pregnant Moment The adoption by the central committee of the World Council of Churches (WCC) of the new affirmation on mission and evangelism, Together towards Fife (TTL), in 2012, and its enthusiastic reception by the 10th WCC Assembly in Busan, South Korea, in 2013, represent an epoch-making moment in the understanding of Christian mission. From across a very wide spectrum of world Christianity--much wider, indeed, than the formal membership of the WCC--we have discovered that at the start of the 21st century there is much we can say together about mission and evangelism. In fact, we have a fresh and compelling statement that places mission and evangelism at the heart of the church's self-understanding. It frankly acknowledges the human error that has caused mission to be misunderstood or misused, on occasion, in the past. It finds new direction and energy for mission by tracing it back to its origins in the triune life of God and, in particular, to the engagement of the Spirit of God with the life of the world. Rather than mission being about the aggrandizement of any community or interest group, its true nature is understood in terms of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, which brings the transforming love of God into the life of the world. Our calling is to discern where and how the Holy Spirit is working--and to join in. The evident reality that this Spirit-centred understanding of mission has struck a chord across such a wide spectrum of a still highly fragmented world church brings us truly to a moment of grace. Formed as we are by different histories, different theologies, and different spiritualities, we have found a point of convergence in the Spirit-oriented vision of mission which is set out in Together towards Life. For those with mission and evangelism at heart, it is a moment pregnant with possibility. This is cause for much thankfulness, but it is also a distinctly challenging situation--will we take the opportunity that it presents and make the most of it? Or will we fail to realize its rich possibilities? It is one thing to create a document. It is another for the content of the document to have an impact on individual lives, on community life, on national life, on international life. For this to occur, there needs to be engagement with the document. Its very inception in published form included an attempt to promote this--it was published with a "Practical Guide" which aimed to enable readers at all levels to imagine what its vision would mean when put into practice. (1) But there is much more to be done. Specifically, there is more to be done in enabling Together towards I.ife to function as a vital resource in the realm of education and formation. With this in view, the WCC Commission on World Mission and Evangelism (CWME) has convened two international consultations, bringing together scholars and practitioners who are using TTL in their work. The first was held at Pietermarizburg in South Africa from 19 to 24 October 2014, and the second at Matanzas in Cuba from 10 to 15 September 2016. Through these consultations, a body of material has emerged that will greatly assist the use of TTL for pedagogical purposes and, at the same time, develops the summons to transforming discipleship that is implicit in TTL, itself. …



摘要 世界基督教协进会的新使命宣言《携手共进生活》是一个充满可能性的时刻。这份开创性的文件是否会对个人生活、社区生活、国家生活和国际生活产生变革性影响?答案在很大程度上将取决于它在多大程度上被用作教育和培养的资源。为了以相关和有效的方式使用它,需要根据上下文进行考虑。一个项目正在进行中,以创建一本教学指南,以支持在宣教教育和培养中部署“一起走向生命”。这将促进学术严谨,但也将进一步参与精神层面和门徒训练的挑战。孕育时刻 2012 年,世界基督教协进会(WCC)中央委员会通过了关于宣教和传福音的新宣言,共同走向法夫(TTL),并在南部釜山举行的第 10 届 WCC 大会热烈欢迎2013 年的韩国代表着对基督教使命的理解具有划时代意义。从世界基督教的非常广泛的范围内——事实上,比 WCC 的正式成员资格更广泛——我们发现,在 21 世纪初,我们可以一起谈论宣教和传福音。事实上,我们有一个新鲜而令人信服的声明,将使命和传福音置于教会自我理解的核心。它坦率地承认在过去有时会导致使命被误解或滥用的人为错误。它通过追溯到它在上帝三位一体生命中的起源,特别是上帝的灵与世界生活的参与,为宣教找到了新的方向和能量。宣教不是关于任何社区或利益团体的强化,它的真正本质是从圣灵的浇灌来理解的,它将上帝的爱带入世界的生活。我们的呼召是辨别圣灵在何处以及如何工作——并参与其中。 这种以圣灵为中心的对使命的理解已经在如此广泛的仍然高度分散的世界教会中引起了共鸣,这一明显的现实给我们带来了真正的片刻的恩典。我们是由不同的历史、不同的神学和不同的灵性形成的,我们在以精神为导向的使命愿景中找到了一个汇合点,该愿景是在《携手走向生活》中提出的。对于那些以使命和传福音为心的人来说,这是一个充满可能性的时刻。这是值得感谢的原因,但它也是一个明显具有挑战性的情况——我们会抓住它提供的机会并充分利用它吗?或者我们将无法实现其丰富的可能性?创建文档是一回事。文件的内容对个人生活、社区生活、国家生活和国际生活产生影响是另一回事。要做到这一点,需要与文档进行互动。它以出版形式一开始就试图促进这一点——它与“实用指南”一起出版 旨在让各个层次的读者都能想象其愿景在付诸实践时的意义。(1) 但是还有很多事情要做。具体而言,要使Together to I.ife 成为教育和培养领域的重要资源,还有更​​多工作要做。有鉴于此,WCC 世界宣教与传福音委员会 (CWME) 召开了两次国际磋商,将在工作中使用 TTL 的学者和实践者聚集在一起。第一次于 2014 年 10 月 19 日至 24 日在南非彼得马里茨堡举行,第二次于 2016 年 9 月 10 日至 15 日在古巴马坦萨斯举行。目的,同时,发展了 TTL 本身所隐含的转变门徒身份的召唤。…