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Governing in the Space of the “Seam”: Airport Security after the Liquid Bomb Plot
International Political Sociology ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2017-05-26 , DOI: 10.1093/ips/olx010
Marijn Hoijtink

This paper provides a detailed study of the liquid bomb plot from 2006, focusing on the ways in which the plot was constituted as “an event unlike others” (Adey, Anderson, and Lobo Guerrero 2011, 340). Engaging with a critical body of scholarship that examines how events are assembled and governed as emergencies, disasters, or catastrophes, the paper explores two sets of questions. First, the paper engages with the temporal dimension of the event, asking how the liquid bomb plot was mediated as a particularly risky event that required immediate action. Second, the paper focuses on the spatial dimension of the event and asks how the plot also threatened a seemingly interconnected system of global airline movements and a mobile form of life. Drawing on Cowen’s (2010) analysis of the “seam space,” I am particularly interested in developments of reform and experimentation at the airport and in how newly emerging technologies are targeted at keeping airports both secure and open. Ultimately, by examining the liquid bomb plot “in the middle of events” (Barry 2006, 244), the paper goes beyond an understanding of the security event as something that happens abruptly and by surprise, and sheds light on the ongoing work that is involved in constituting and governing events.



本文对2006年以来的液体炸弹图进行了详细的研究,重点研究了该图被构造为“与其他事件不同的事件”的方式(Adey,Anderson和Lobo Guerrero,2011年,第340页)。通过研究一个至关重要的学术机构,该机构研究了事件是如何在突发事件,灾难或灾难中被组织和治理的,并探讨了两个问题。首先,论文涉及事件的时间维度,询问如何将液体炸弹图作为特别危险的事件进行调解,需要立即采取行动。其次,论文着眼于事件的空间维度,并询问该情节如何也威胁着看似相互联系的全球航空公司运动和移动生活方式。借鉴Cowen(2010)对“煤层空间”的分析,“我对机场改革和试验的发展以及新兴技术如何使机场既安全又开放的目标特别感兴趣。最终,通过研究“事件中间”的液体炸弹情节(Barry 2006,244),该论文超越了对安全事件的理解,因为该事件是突然发生的并且令人惊讶,并阐明了正在进行的工作。参与组织和管理事件。