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The Frontier Closes In
Dissent ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/dss.2019.0056
Christine Mathias

ABSTRACT:About 25 million people visited Chicago in 1893 for the World's Fair. Many of them took in performances staged by Buffalo Bill Cody, a legendary entertainer and army scout. Cody capitalized on a pervasive sense that a long era of territorial conquest and settlement was coming to an end, and he charmed audiences with a tribute to the closing of the frontier. A case of former cavalrymen, cowboys, and Native performers reenacted "Custer's Last Fight" at the 1876 Battle of Little Bighorn, where Lakota Sioux and Cheyenne warriors repelled a U.S. battalion. The Natives' victory appealed to spectators because it was ephemeral, and seemed to jusify what followed; Cody also imagined the American frontiersman as a global leader, galloping ahead of a parade of "Rough Riders of the World." In the words of the historian Richard Slotkin, "history, translated into myth, was re-enacted as ritual."



摘要:1893年,约有2500万人参观了芝加哥参加世界博览会。他们中的许多人参加了由传奇艺人和陆军球探布法罗·比尔·科迪(Buffalo Bill Cody)上演的表演。科迪以一种普遍的感觉来利用,即漫长的领土征服和解决时代即将结束,他以向边境的关闭致敬来吸引了听众。在1876年的小比格霍恩战役中,一个前骑兵,牛仔和土著表演者的案子重新制定了“卡斯特的最后一战”,拉科塔·苏(Lakota Sioux)和夏安(Cheyenne)战士击退了美国营。印第安人的胜利吸引了观众,因为它是短暂的,似乎可以判断随后发生的事情。科迪还把美国边防军想象成一个全球领导者,在“世界车手大游行”游行之前疾驰而去。