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Stop Eco-Apartheid: The Left's Challenge in Bolsonaro's Brazil
Dissent ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/dss.2019.0004
Daniel Aldana Cohen

ABSTRACT:The horrors threatened by Jair Bolsonaro, Brazil's new president, are compounded by the global climate stakes of a potential war on the Amazon. Roberto Schaeffer, a leading energy and environment scholar based in Rio de Janeiro, told me, "It could not be worse. Donald Trump would be a blessing for Brazil right now." Bolsonaro has promised an orgy of destructive new development in the embattled Amazon rainforest, which would release gigatons of heat-trapping carbon. But the backlash has already begun. Brazilian social movements are mobilizing, and even key pro-Bolsonaro business leaders are telling him to back off on deforestation. This combined economic and environmental battle isn't a sideshow—it's the new center stage.



摘要:巴西新任总统贾尔·博尔索纳罗(Jair Bolsonaro)所威胁的恐怖,再加上可能对亚马逊发动战争的全球性气候风险,加剧了这一担忧。驻里约热内卢的能源和环境领域的主要学者罗伯托·舍弗(Roberto Schaeffer)告诉我:“情况不会更糟。唐纳德·特朗普现在对巴西来说将是个福气。” Bolsonaro承诺在四面楚歌的亚马逊雨林中进行破坏性的新开发活动,该活动将释放出数十万吨的吸热碳。但是反冲已经开始。巴西的社会运动正在动员起来,甚至亲博尔纳诺的重要商业领袖都在告诉他,不要砍伐森林。经济与环境的这场综合战不是杂耍,而是新的中心舞台。