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Personal Resources and Work Engagement: A Two-Wave Study on the Role of Job Resources Crafting among Nurses
Društvena istraživanja ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-02-24 , DOI: 10.5559/di.28.1.01
Maja Tadić Vujčić ,

Building upon the job demands-resources and conservation of resources theories, the central aim of the study was to investigate the role of job resources crafting in the relationship between personal resources – self-efficacy and optimism – and work engagement. In order to reach this goal, we conducted a two- -wave longitudinal study among 107 nurses – a specific occupational group known to have very high job demands. We assessed personal resources and job resources crafting behaviors at Time 1, and work engagement at Time 2 (one month after). The results of our two-wave longitudinal study provided support for the hypothesized research model. When nurses reported high levels of personal resources at Time 1, they were also more inclined to craft structural and social job resources. This, in turn, led to higher work engagement at Time 2. The findings of this study indicate that, even if employees work in unfavorable work situations, they can mobilize their personal resources and experience high work engagement by proactive interaction with their work environment.


