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Religious Freedom: The Catholic Approach
Ecclesiastical Law Journal ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2016-12-20 , DOI: 10.1017/s0956618x16001083
David O'Mahony

I should make plain at the beginning that I am neither a theologian nor a church historian, and I do not represent the Catholic Church. What follows is merely my understanding of the key documents and some of the key interventions by the Church on the topic of religious freedom over the last fifty years. In writing this comment, I have used a collection of the Church's statements on religious freedom published by the Caritas in Veritate Foundation in Geneva. This foundation is concerned with the social doctrine of the Church and seeks to support the work of the Holy See and other Roman Catholic bodies at the United Nations. Anybody interested in the Church's position on this and related issues will find some useful material on the foundation's website.



我应该在开始时说明我既不是神学家也不是教会历史学家,我不代表天主教会。以下只是我对过去五十年来教会关于宗教自由主题的关键文件和一些关键干预的理解。在撰写此评论时,我使用了日内瓦 Veritate Foundation 明爱出版的教会关于宗教自由的声明集。该基金会关注教会的社会教义,并寻求支持罗马教廷和联合国其他罗马天主教机构的工作。任何对教会在这个和相关问题上的立场感兴趣的人都可以在基金会的网站上找到一些有用的材料。