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“Poland Is Not Lost While We Still Live”: The Making of Polish Iran, 1941–45
Jewish Social Studies ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2018-01-01 , DOI: 10.2979/jewisocistud.23.3.04
Lior Sternfeld

Abstract:During World War II, millions of refugees fled their homes and were displaced across Europe, central Asia, and the Middle East. In September 1939, Nazi and Soviet armies invaded Poland, resulting in countless individuals being deported or "resettled"—forcibly exiled to labor camps in Siberia and Soviet central Asia. This article examines the story of a large wave of Polish refugees granted amnesty by Iran after the Soviets allied with Great Britain in June 1941. Between 1941 and 1943, hundreds of thousands of Poles were allowed into Iran, where social and political conditions helped them rebuild their lives, establish thriving Polish institutions, and leave a lasting impact on Iranian urban culture. Polish exiles in Iran established newspapers, art galleries, cafés, orchestras, theaters, and salons that catered first and foremost to the Polish community but later became central to the myriad of Allied army soldiers stationed in Iran, as well as to the emerging Iranian urban middle class.



摘要:二战期间,数以百万计的难民逃离家园,在欧洲、中亚和中东流离失所。1939 年 9 月,纳粹和苏联军队入侵波兰,导致无数人被驱逐或“重新安置”——被迫流放到西伯利亚和苏联中亚的劳改营。本文探讨了 1941 年 6 月苏联与英国结盟后,大批波兰难民被伊朗赦免的故事。 1941 年至 1943 年间,数十万波兰人被允许进入伊朗,在那里的社会和政治条件帮助他们重建他们的生活,建立蓬勃发展的波兰机构,并对伊朗的城市文化产生持久的影响。在伊朗的波兰流亡者建立了报纸、艺术画廊、咖啡馆、管弦乐队、剧院、