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Improving the Volk: Leon Kellner and the Jewish Toynbee Hall Movement (1900–39)
Jewish Social Studies ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.2979/jewisocistud.24.3.03

Abstract:The Jewish Toynbee Hall movement—part moral crusade, part adult education—has almost entirely escaped the attention of historians, as has its prime mover, Leon Kellner. Modeled on London's Toynbee Hall, the first Jewish Toynbee Hall opened in Vienna in December 1900; within a few years, others opened across Habsburg Austria and in Germany and Romania. A Zionist project, the Toynbee Halls were taken over by Bnai Brith in Germany and Austria but remained in nationalist hands further east, part of a Jewish public sphere—reading rooms, newspapers, libraries, lecture halls—that produced, consumed, and disseminated Jewish knowledge and culture. Kellner, one of Theodor Herzl's first and closest confidants, was a Galician who became a renowned Shakespeare scholar, public intellectual, and politician. The article aims to begin to write the Jewish Toynbee Halls and Kellner back into history.


改善大众:莱昂·凯尔纳 (Leon Kellner) 和犹太汤因比音乐厅运动 (1900–39)

摘要:犹太汤因比霍尔运动——部分是道德运动,部分是成人教育——几乎完全脱离了历史学家的注意,其主要推动者莱昂·凯尔纳也是如此。1900 年 12 月,第一个犹太汤因比音乐厅以伦敦的汤因比音乐厅为蓝本在维也纳开幕;几年之内,其他品牌在奥地利哈布斯堡、德国和罗马尼亚开设。作为犹太复国主义项目,汤因比大厅被德国和奥地利的 Bnai Brith 接管,但仍处于更东的民族主义者手中,是犹太公共领域的一部分——阅览室、报纸、图书馆、演讲厅——生产、消费和传播犹太人知识和文化。凯尔纳是西奥多·赫茨尔最早也是最亲密的知己之一,他是加利西亚人,后来成为著名的莎士比亚学者、公共知识分子和政治家。