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The Return of the Displaced: Ironies of the Jewish-Palestinian Nexus, 1939–49
Jewish Social Studies ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.2979/jewisocistud.24.3.02

Abstract:Zionist historiography presents the 1948 "War of Independence" as the culmination of the long Jewish quest for rights and justice, which reached its climax in the immediate aftermath of World War II and the Holocaust. But as this article suggests, there were inextricable links between the fate of the Jews in Europe and the fate of Palestine's indigenous inhabitants. For if the mass murder of European Jews allegedly demonstrated the urgent need for a Jewish nation-state, Jewish national hegemony was established by transforming the Arab majority in Palestine into a minority through mass expulsion. If the Nazi genocide of the Jews was presented as an inevitable consequence of the diaspora, the Palestinian Nakba and the near-erasure of the remaining material traces and memory of Palestinian presence in the state of Israel were perceived as a necessary precondition for the "normalization" of Jewish existence.


流离失所者的回归:1939-49 年对犹太-巴勒斯坦关系的讽刺

摘要:犹太复国主义史学将 1948 年的“独立战争”描述为犹太人对权利和正义的长期追求的高潮,在第二次世界大战和大屠杀之后达到了高潮。但正如本文所暗示的,欧洲犹太人的命运与巴勒斯坦土著居民的命运之间有着千丝万缕的联系。因为如果据称欧洲犹太人的大屠杀表明对犹太民族国家的迫切需要,那么通过大规模驱逐将巴勒斯坦的阿拉伯多数变成少数,从而建立了犹太民族霸权。如果纳粹对犹太人的种族灭绝被认为是散居国外的必然结果,