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Contested Children: World War II Refugees and the Emergence of Israeli Orthodoxies
Jewish Social Studies ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-01-01 , DOI: 10.2979/jewisocistud.24.3.05

Abstract:In February 1943, several hundred Polish Jewish refugee children who had escaped the Holocaust in Europe and sojourned for several months in Tehran arrived in Palestine. The arrival of these "Tehran children" triggered bitter debates in the Yishuv, causing particularly caustic political fights between the two major Orthodox political movements, Agudat Yisrael and Mizrahi. These clashes provide a valuable lens onto the transition of the center of traditionalist Jewry from prewar east-central Europe to pre-state Palestine and the transformation of Orthodox politics in accordance with radically changed postwar realities and the establishment of a Jewish state. Against this backdrop, this article uses the episode to trace some of the broader developments in Orthodox politics during the first half of the twentieth century and their impact on the emergence of two distinct Israeli milieus: ultra-Orthodoxy and national-religious Judaism.



摘要:1943 年 2 月,数百名逃离欧洲大屠杀并在德黑兰逗留数月的波兰犹太难民儿童抵达巴勒斯坦。这些“德黑兰儿童”的到来引发了伊舒夫的激烈辩论,导致两大东正教政治运动 Agudat Yisrael 和 Mizrahi 之间的政治斗争尤为激烈。这些冲突为观察传统犹太人中心从战前东欧中欧到建国前巴勒斯坦的转变以及东正教政治根据战后现实发生根本变化和建立犹太国家而发生的转变提供了宝贵的视角。在这样的背景下,