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A Radical Advocacy: Suffering Jews and Animals in S. Y. Abramovitsh's Di Kliatshe
Jewish Social Studies ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2018-01-01 , DOI: 10.2979/jewisocistud.23.2.02
Noam Pines

Abstract:Di kliatshe, a novella published in 1873 by Sholem Yankev Abramovitsh, has been credited as one of the first literary works to register the failure of the Haskalah to achieve Jewish integration into Russian society. However, analysis of the literary and historical contexts in which this work emerged shows how Di kliatshe also engaged in a subtle literary dialogue with non-Jewish authors in order to promote a radical ethical position on the question of human and animal suffering. The awareness of a dimension of suffering in which Jews and animals are equivalent provides an alternative account to the conventional debate on the Jewish Question. Instead of a formal affirmation of universal human rights, in Abramovitsh's work the relation to questions of Jewish identity remains informal and marked by attentiveness to the dehumanized aspects of Jewish existence.


激进的倡导:SY Abramovitsh 的Di Kliatshe 中的犹太人和动物的苦难

摘要:Di kliatshe 是肖勒姆·扬克夫·阿布拉莫维奇 (Sholem Yankev Abramovitsh) 于 1873 年出版的一部中篇小说,被认为是最早记录哈斯卡拉未能实现犹太人融入俄罗斯社会的文学作品之一。然而,对这部作品出现的文学和历史背景的分析表明,Di kliatshe 还与非犹太作家进行了微妙的文学对话,以促进在人类和动物痛苦问题上的激进伦理立场。对犹太人和动物等同的痛苦维度的认识为关于犹太人问题的传统辩论提供了另一种解释。而不是正式确认普遍人权,在阿布拉莫维奇'