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Sanctuary for the Specialist: Gender and the Reconceptualization of the American Orthodox Rabbinate
Jewish Social Studies ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2018-01-01 , DOI: 10.2979/jewisocistud.23.3.01
Adam S. Ferziger

Abstract:On February 1, 2017, the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America, the nation's largest Orthodox synagogue association, adopted a ruling that prohibits women from serving as clergy. The swift electronic dissemination of the ruling set off a wave of passionate protests along with vociferous expressions of support. The ruling encourages extensive female involvement in public religious leadership, a position at odds with prior statements of prominent Orthodox authorities. At the same time, it explicates in unprecedented detail core responsibilities that are forbidden to women. The result is the emergence of a novel definition of the rabbi that shares commonalities with the role pioneered by Reform Judaism in the nineteenth century. This article examines how the latest chapter in the development of Orthodox feminism has precipitated this reconceptualization of the American Orthodox rabbinate.



摘要:2017 年 2 月 1 日,美国最大的东正教犹太教堂协会美国东正教犹太会联盟通过了一项禁止女性担任神职人员的裁决。裁决的迅速电子传播引发了激烈的抗议浪潮和强烈的支持表达。该裁决鼓励女性广泛参与公共宗教领导,这一立场与著名东正教当局先前的声明不一致。同时,它以前所未有的细节阐述了禁止女性承担的核心责任。结果是出现了一种新的拉比定义,该定义与 19 世纪改革犹太教所开创的角色有共同之处。