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Trinity, incarnation and time: a restatement of the doctrine of God in conversation with Robert Jenson
Scottish Journal of Theology ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2016-04-08 , DOI: 10.1017/s0036930616000053
Eugene R. Schlesinger

This article engages Robert W. Jenson on the question of the relation between the immanent Trinity and the person Jesus of Nazareth and proposes a restatement of the doctrine of God that takes into account his concerns. I note that many of the criticisms levelled against Jenson are contradictory and offer instead a rearticulation of Thomas Aquinas's doctrine of God, refracted through the theology of Hans Urs von Balthasar, as a more viable mode of engaging Jenson's ideas. In particular, I suggest an analogia temporalis rooted in the divine processions to account for the relationship between time and eternity, thereby showing how Thomas's theology can both accommodate and benefit from many of Jenson's insights, while also avoiding the more serious charges levelled against him.


三位一体,化身与时间:与罗伯特·詹森(Robert Jenson)的对话重述了上帝的教义

本文与罗伯特·简森(Robert W. Jenson)讨论内在三位一体与拿撒勒人耶稣之间的关系问题,并提出了重述上帝教义的考虑因素。我注意到,许多针对简森的批评都是自相矛盾的,而是通过托马斯·阿奎纳斯的汉斯·乌尔·冯·巴尔塔萨尔神学重新诠释了托马斯·阿奎那的上帝学说,这是一种更切实可行的参与简森思想的方式。特别是,我建议将类比时间植根于神的游行中,以解释时间与永恒之间的关系,从而说明托马斯的神学如何既能容纳并受益于简森的许多见解,又避免了针对他的更为严厉的指控。