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A Survey of Ismaili Studies Part 1: Early Ismailism and Fatimid Ismailism
Religion Compass ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2016-08-01 , DOI: 10.1111/rec3.12205
Khalil Andani 1

This article discusses the major scholarly developments in the study of Ismaili Muslim history and thought. Scholarship on the Ismailis, the second largest branch of Shi‘i Islam, once relied on hostile depictions produced by their adversaries. With the recovery of more primary sources over the last several decades, Ismaili studies is now progressing at a rapid pace. The Ismaili movement originated from a schism in the Imami Shi‘i community over the succession to Ja‘far al-Sadiq, the fifth Shi‘i Imam. The Ismailis upheld the succession rights of al-Sadiq's son and designated heir, Isma‘il, and his lineal descendants. The earliest Ismailis directed a revolutionary da‘wah in the ninth century and established the Fatimid Caliphate (909-1171). Ismaili doctrine during these periods evolved from a gnostic cosmology into a Neoplatonic metaphysics. It also featured cyclical conceptions of Prophethood and Imamat and stressed the distinction between the exoteric (zahir) and esoteric (batin) dimensions of Islam. Major scholarly debates and thematic areas in the study of the pre-Fatimid and Fatimid periods of Ismaili history pertain to the doctrinal character of early Imami Shi‘ism, Ismaili historiography, the origins of the earliest Ismailis, the emergence of the Ismaili da‘wah, the earliest Ismaili conceptions of Imamat, the different facets of Fatimid rule, the genealogy of the Fatimid Imam-Caliphs, and the philosophical dimensions of Fatimid Ismaili thought.



本文讨论了伊斯玛仪穆斯林历史和思想研究的主要学术发展。什叶派伊斯兰教第二大分支Ismailis的奖学金曾经依靠其对手制造的敌意描述。在过去的几十年中,随着更多原始资源的恢复,Ismaili的研究正在迅速发展。伊斯玛莉运动起源于伊玛目什叶派​​社区的分裂,是继第五位什叶派伊玛目贾法尔·萨迪克之后的又一次分裂。伊斯梅利斯人维护了萨迪克的儿子和指定继承人伊斯玛伊尔及其直系后代的继承权。最早的伊斯梅里斯(Ismailis)在9世纪指挥了革命的达瓦(D'wah),并建立了法蒂玛·哈里发(Fatimid Caliphate)(909-1171)。在这些时期,伊斯玛莉学说从一个不可知论的宇宙学演变为新柏拉图形而上学。它还以先知和伊玛玛特的周期性概念为特色,并强调了伊斯兰的显性(扎希尔)和深奥(巴廷)维度之间的区别。Ismaili历史的法蒂玛德前和法蒂玛德时期研究中的主要学术辩论和主题领域与早期伊玛目什叶派​​教义,Ismaili史学,最早的Ismailis的起源,Ismaili da'wah的出现有关,伊玛玛特(Imamat)的伊斯梅利(Ismaili)最早概念,法蒂米德(Fatimid)统治的不同方面,法蒂米德·伊玛目(Imam-Caliph)的家谱以及法蒂米德·伊斯梅里(Fatimid Ismaili)思想的哲学层面。