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Philipp-Alexander Hirsch: Freiheit und Staatlichkeit bei Kant. Die autonomietheoretische Begründung von Recht und Staat und das Widerstandsproblem. Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2017. 477 Seiten. ISBN978-3-11-052932-6
Kant-Studien ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2018-10-11 , DOI: 10.1515/kant-2018-3011
Georg Geismann

definition of obligation, located at the beginning of the main part of the lecture. The translation of “Nöthigung des größten Guths” as “costrizione da parte del sommo bene” (AA 27: 1329; 91) strikes me as confusing, if only because the less expert reader, who will be the primary addressee of a translation, might detect in this phrase a link to Kant’s concept of the highest good, which is usually translated the same way, whereas, as the context clarifies, Achenwall is here referring to a comparatively greater good. In the introduction, Sadun Bordoni argues that the publication of a reliable version of the Feyerabend notes will contribute to the “new attention” currently being given to Kant’s philosophy of law and its development (9–10). I believe that he might be overstating the text’s significance in this regard. Its value when it comes to better understanding the development of Kant’s practical philosophy as a whole is indisputable. However, Kant’s philosophy of law has never really been neglected (and in particular not to the extent that the Doctrine of Virtue has been neglected over the past two centuries). Moreover, the Naturrecht Feyerabend itself was often taken into account in the works of careful scholars prior to 2010, for all the shortcomings of the Academy edition. In fact, it is because of the enduring interest in Kant’s philosophy of law and the Naturrecht Feyerabend that scholars who recognize the significance of the lecture notes will appreciate finally having a reliable edition at their disposal. Minor quibbles aside, the Italian publication of the Naturrecht Feyerabend deserves praise as a helpful supplement to the revised edition published in the Kant-Index volumes. For Italian scholars, it provides a key reference for those wishing to study an important text in Kant’s practical philosophy. Non-Italian scholars, on the other hand, have good reason to turn to this volume as an affordable edition of the critically revised Feyerabend lecture notes.


菲利普·亚历山大·赫希(Philipp-Alexander Hirsch):康德(Freiheit und Staatlichkeit)。自治问题的解决,发展和发展的问题。柏林/波士顿:沃尔特·德·格鲁伊特(Walter de Gruyter),2017年。477 Seiten。ISBN978-3-11-052932-6

义务的定义,位于讲座主要部分的开头。“NöthigungdesgrößtenGuths”的翻译成“ costrizione da parte del sommo bene”(AA 27:1329; 91)令我感到困惑,因为这只是因为较不熟练的读者(将作为翻译的主要地址)可能在这句话中发现与康德最高商品概念的联系,通常以相同的方式翻译,而正如上下文所阐明的那样,阿亨沃尔在这里指的是相对较大的商品。在引言中,萨敦·博多尼(Sadun Bordoni)认为,发行可靠版本的《费耶阿本德》笔记将有助于当前对康德法哲学及其发展的“新关注”(9-10)。我相信他可能在这方面夸大了案文的重要性。在更好地了解康德实践哲学整体发展方面的价值是无可争议的。但是,康德的法律哲学从来没有真正被忽视过(特别是在过去两个世纪中没有被忽视的美德学说的范围内)。此外,Naturrecht Feyerabend本身在2010年之前的认真学者的作品中经常被考虑在内,因为该学院版存在所有缺点。实际上,由于对康德法哲学和《自然报》的长期关注,认识到这些讲义的重要性的学者们最终将不胜感激,希望他们拥有一份可靠的版本。除了小问题,Naturrecht Feyerabend的意大利出版物值得称赞,它是对Kant-Index卷中发行的修订版的有益补充。对于意大利学者来说,它为那些希望研究康德实践哲学中的重要著作的人提供了重要参考。另一方面,非意大利学者则有充分的理由转向此书,作为负担得起的Feyerabend讲义修订本的负担得起的版本。