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A Tale of Two Modalities: Sign and Speech Influence Each Other in Bimodal Bilinguals
Psychological Science ( IF 10.172 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-23 , DOI: 10.1177/0956797620968789
Francie Manhardt 1 , Susanne Brouwer 1 , Aslı Özyürek 1, 2, 3

Bimodal bilinguals are hearing individuals fluent in a sign and a spoken language. Can the two languages influence each other in such individuals despite differences in the visual (sign) and vocal (speech) modalities of expression? We investigated cross-linguistic influences on bimodal bilinguals’ expression of spatial relations. Unlike spoken languages, sign uses iconic linguistic forms that resemble physical features of objects in a spatial relation and thus expresses specific semantic information. Hearing bimodal bilinguals (n = 21) fluent in Dutch and Sign Language of the Netherlands and their hearing nonsigning and deaf signing peers (n = 20 each) described left/right relations between two objects. Bimodal bilinguals expressed more specific information about physical features of objects in speech than nonsigners, showing influence from sign language. They also used fewer iconic signs with specific semantic information than deaf signers, demonstrating influence from speech. Bimodal bilinguals’ speech and signs are shaped by two languages from different modalities.



双模双语者是指能熟练掌握手语和口语的人。尽管视觉(符号)和声音(语音)表达方式存在差异,但这两种语言能否在这些个体中相互影响?我们调查了跨语言对双模双语者空间关系表达的影响。与口语不同,符号使用标志性的语言形式,在空间关系中类似于物体的物理特征,从而表达特定的语义信息。听力双模双语者 ( n = 21) 流利的荷兰语和荷兰手语及其听力非手语和聋哑手语同伴 ( n= 每个 20) 描述了两个对象之间的左/右关系。双模双语者比非手语者在言语中表达了更多关于物体物理特征的具体信息,显示出手语的影响。与聋哑手语者相比,他们还使用了更少的具有特定语义信息的标志性符号,证明了言语的影响。双模双语者的言语和手势是由来自不同模态的两种语言形成的。
