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Remote Renewable Hubs For Carbon-Neutral Synthetic Fuel Production
arXiv - CS - Systems and Control Pub Date : 2021-02-22 , DOI: arxiv-2102.11375
Mathias Berger, David Radu, Ghislain Detienne, Thierry Deschuyteneer, Aurore Richel, Damien Ernst

This paper studies the economics of carbon-neutral synthetic fuel production from renewable electricity in remote areas where high-quality renewable resources are abundant. To this end, a graph-based optimisation modelling framework directly applicable to the strategic planning of remote renewable energy supply chains is proposed. More precisely, a graph abstraction of planning problems is introduced, wherein nodes can be viewed as optimisation subproblems with their own parameters, variables, constraints and local objective, and typically represent a subsystem such as a technology, a plant or a process. Edges, on the other hand, express the connectivity between subsystems. The framework is leveraged to study the economics of carbon-neutral synthetic methane production from solar and wind energy in North Africa and its delivery to Northwestern European markets. The full supply chain is modelled in an integrated fashion, which makes it possible to accurately capture the interaction between various technologies on hourly time scales. Results suggest that the cost of synthetic methane production and delivery would be slightly under 200 \euro/MWh and 150 \euro/MWh by 2030 for a system supplying 100 TWh (higher heating value) annually that relies on solar photovoltaic plants alone and a combination of solar photovoltaic and wind power plants, respectively, assuming a uniform weighted average cost of capital of 7\%. The cost difference between these system configurations mostly stems from higher investments in technologies providing flexibility required to balance the system in the solar-driven configuration. Synthetic methane costs would drop to roughly 124 \euro/MWh and 87 \euro/MWh, respectively, if financing costs were zero and only technology costs were taken into account. Prospects for cost reductions are also discussed, and options that would enable such reductions are reviewed.



本文研究了在高质量可再生资源丰富的偏远地区利用可再生电力生产碳中和合成燃料的经济学。为此,提出了一种直接适用于远程可再生能源供应链战略规划的基于图的优化建模框架。更准确地说,引入了计划问题的图形抽象,其中节点可以视为具有其自身参数,变量,约束和局部目标的优化子问题,并且通常代表子系统,例如技术,工厂或过程。另一方面,边缘表示子系统之间的连通性。该框架可用于研究北非利用太阳能和风能生产碳中和的合成甲烷的经济性,并将其提供给西北欧洲市场。完整的供应链以集成方式建模,这使得可以按小时的时间尺度准确地捕获各种技术之间的交互。结果表明,到2030年,每年仅依靠太阳能光伏电站及其组合提供100 TWh(更高热值)的系统,合成甲烷的生产和运输成本将略低于200 \ euro / MWh和150 \ euro / MWh。分别假设太阳能光伏和风能电厂的加权平均资本成本为7%。这些系统配置之间的成本差异主要来自对技术的更高投资,这些技术提供了在太阳能驱动配置中平衡系统所需的灵活性。如果融资成本为零,并且仅考虑技术成本,则合成甲烷成本将分别降至约124欧元/兆瓦时和87欧元/兆瓦时。还讨论了降低成本的前景,并审查了可以降低成本的方案。