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Model-Attentive Ensemble Learning for Sequence Modeling
arXiv - CS - Artificial Intelligence Pub Date : 2021-02-23 , DOI: arxiv-2102.11500
Victor D. Bourgin, Ioana Bica, Mihaela van der Schaar

Medical time-series datasets have unique characteristics that make prediction tasks challenging. Most notably, patient trajectories often contain longitudinal variations in their input-output relationships, generally referred to as temporal conditional shift. Designing sequence models capable of adapting to such time-varying distributions remains a prevailing problem. To address this we present Model-Attentive Ensemble learning for Sequence modeling (MAES). MAES is a mixture of time-series experts which leverages an attention-based gating mechanism to specialize the experts on different sequence dynamics and adaptively weight their predictions. We demonstrate that MAES significantly out-performs popular sequence models on datasets subject to temporal shift.


