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Children expressing their views in child protection casework: Current research and their rights going forward
Child & Family Social Work ( IF 1.830 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-23 , DOI: 10.1111/cfs.12831
Asgeir Falch‐Eriksen 1 , Karmen Toros 2 , Ingrid Sindi 2 , Rafaela Lehtme 2

Article 12 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) provides children with the right to express their views in matters that affect them, particularly those of an administrative and judicial nature. This paper examines the academic discourse in child protection research concerning how Article 12 of the CRC is implemented and how it is manifested in child protection service (CPS) casework practices. The systematic review was performed following the principles of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement and included 16 peer-reviewed articles published in English in academic journals from multiple scientific databases from January 2009 to January 2019 reporting primary research with children about their experiences of participation in CPS. Despite the widespread ratification of the CRC several decades ago, the studies in the current review establish a clear and predictable pattern of an inability of children to express themselves throughout CPS proceedings. Findings consistently indicate that children in different countries felt they were not being asked, listened to or heard, in some cases even regarding harmful and unsafe situations. We argue the academic discourse must move beyond these findings and discuss how research can contribute to dealing with these obstacles and improving practices by focussing on Article 12 in particular and human rights in general throughout CPS practices.



《联合国儿童权利公约》(CRC)第 12 条规定儿童有权就影响他们的事务表达意见,特别是行政和司法性质的事务。本文考察了儿童保护研究中关于如何实施《儿童权利公约》第 12 条以及它如何在儿童保护服务 (CPS) 案例工作实践中体现的学术话语。系统评价是按照系统评价和元分析的首选报告项目 (PRISMA) 声明的原则进行的,包括 2009 年 1 月至 2019 年 1 月在多个科学数据库的学术期刊上发表的 16 篇英文同行评议文章,报告了主要研究与孩子们分享他们参与 CPS 的经历。尽管 CRC 在几十年前得到了广泛的批准,但当前审查中的研究确立了儿童在整个 CPS 程序中无法表达自己的清晰且可预测的模式。调查结果一致表明,不同国家的儿童觉得他们没有被要求、倾听或倾听,在某些情况下,甚至在有害和不安全的情况下。我们认为学术话语必须超越这些发现,并讨论研究如何通过在整个 CPS 实践中特别关注第 12 条和一般人权来帮助处理这些障碍和改进实践。调查结果一致表明,不同国家的儿童觉得他们没有被要求、倾听或倾听,在某些情况下,甚至在有害和不安全的情况下。我们认为学术话语必须超越这些发现,并讨论研究如何通过在整个 CPS 实践中特别关注第 12 条和一般人权来帮助处理这些障碍和改进实践。调查结果一致表明,不同国家的儿童觉得他们没有被要求、倾听或倾听,在某些情况下,甚至在有害和不安全的情况下。我们认为学术话语必须超越这些发现,并讨论研究如何通过在整个 CPS 实践中特别关注第 12 条和一般人权来帮助处理这些障碍和改进实践。