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Crustal structure of southeast Australia from teleseismic receiver functions
Solid Earth ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-24 , DOI: 10.5194/se-12-463-2021
Mohammed Bello , David G. Cornwell , Nicholas Rawlinson , Anya M. Reading , Othaniel K. Likkason

In an effort to improve our understanding of the seismic character of the crust beneath southeast Australia and how it relates to the tectonic evolution of the region, we analyse teleseismic earthquakes recorded by 24 temporary and 8 permanent broadband stations using the receiver function method. Due to the proximity of the temporary stations to Bass Strait, only 13 of these stations yielded usable receiver functions, whereas seven permanent stations produced receiver functions for subsequent analysis. Crustal thickness, bulk seismic velocity properties, and internal crustal structure of the southern Tasmanides – an assemblage of Palaeozoic accretionary orogens that occupy eastern Australia – are constrained by Hκ stacking and receiver function inversion, which point to the following:
  1.  39.0 km thick crust; an intermediate–high Vp/Vs ratio ( 1.70–1.76), relative to ak135; and a broad (> 10 km) crust–mantle transition beneath the Lachlan Fold Belt. These results are interpreted to represent magmatic underplating of mafic materials at the base of the crust.
  2. a complex crustal structure beneath VanDieland, a putative Precambrian continental fragment embedded in the southernmost Tasmanides, that features strong variability in the crustal thickness (23–37 km) and Vp/Vs ratio (1.65–193), the latter of which likely represents compositional variability and the presence of melt. The complex origins of VanDieland, which comprises multiple continental ribbons, coupled with recent failed rifting and intraplate volcanism, likely contributes to these observations.
  3. stations located in the East Tasmania Terrane and eastern Bass Strait (ETT + EB) collectively indicate a crust of uniform thickness (31–32 km), which clearly distinguishes it from VanDieland to the west.
Moho depths are also compared with the continent-wide AusMoho model in southeast Australia and are shown to be largely consistent, except in regions where AusMoho has few constraints (e.g. Flinders Island). A joint interpretation of the new results with ambient noise, teleseismic tomography, and teleseismic shear wave splitting anisotropy helps provide new insight into the way that the crust has been shaped by recent events, including failed rifting during the break-up of Australia and Antarctica and recent intraplate volcanism.



为了提高我们对澳大利亚东南部以下地壳地震特征及其与该地区构造演化的关系的了解,我们使用接收器函数方法分析了由24个临时和8个永久宽带站记录的远震。由于临时电台靠近巴斯海峡,因此这些电台中只有13个产生了可用的接收机功能,而七个固定电台则产生了接收机功能以进行后续分析。塔斯马尼德斯南部的地壳厚度,整体地震速度特性和内部地壳结构(占澳大利亚东部的古生代增生造山带组合)受H - κ约束 堆栈和接收器函数反转,它指向以下内容:
  1. 一   39.0公里厚底; 中高Vp/Vs比(  1.70-1.76),相对于ak135; 以及 Lachlan褶皱带下方的宽广的地壳幔过渡(> 10 km)。这些结果被解释为代表了地壳底部镁铁质材料的岩浆底层。
  2. VanDieland下的复杂地壳结构,是推测的前寒武纪大陆碎片,嵌在塔斯曼尼德最南端,其地壳厚度(23-37 km)具有很大的变化性, Vp/Vs比率(1.65–193),后者可能表示组成变异性和熔体的存在。VanDieland的起源很复杂,其中包括多条大陆带,再加上最近的裂谷和板内火山作用失败,可能有助于这些观测。
  3. 位于塔斯马尼亚东部地带和巴斯海峡东部(ETT  +  EB)的台站共同显示出地壳厚度均匀(31–32 km),这与西范德兰地区明显不同。