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Impact of Electric Shock and Electrocution on Populations of Four Monkey Species in the Suburban Town of Diani, Kenya
International Journal of Primatology ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-02-24 , DOI: 10.1007/s10764-020-00194-z
Pamela M. K. Cunneyworth , Alice M. Slade

Electric shock and electrocution affect at least 31 primate species, but studies of how electrical infrastructure affects primate populations are rare. We investigated 320 cases of electric shock and electrocution in four sympatric monkey species in Diani, Kenya, 1998–2019: Peters’s Angola colobus (Colobus angolensis palliatus), Zanzibar Sykes’s monkey (Cercopithecus mitis albogularis), Hilgert’s vervet (Chlorocebus pygerythrus hilgerti), and the Southern yellow baboon (Papio cynocephalus cynocephalus). These represent 16% of the total welfare cases reported to a local conservation organization. Deaths occurred in 73% of cases. The number of cases did not increase through the study period, presumably because mitigations implemented by the power distribution company and a local conservation organization offset the risks associated with the electrical infrastructure expansion. Colobus accounted for 80% (N = 256) of cases, representing ca. 4.6% of the population annually, which is likely unsustainable. Adult male colobus were shocked or electrocuted more than expected, while all other age–sex classes were involved in proportion to the population structure. The number of cases was low for Sykes’s monkey (13%, N = 42), vervets (5%, N = 16), and baboons (2%, N = 6). Our findings show that electrical infrastructure affects species differentially; larger arboreal species with individuals ≥8 kg are at higher risk of injury and death than smaller arboreal species and terrestrial species. Other organizations can estimate risks in their areas based on the factors we reviewed. Further understanding of how body mass impacts risk will have implications for designing electrical infrastructure as part of conservation planning.



电击和触电至少会影响31种灵长类动物,但是很少有关于电气基础设施如何影响灵长类动物种群的研究。我们调查320案件触电和电击的四个同域猴种迪亚尼,肯尼亚,1998年至2019年:彼得斯的安哥拉疣猴(疣angolensis palliatus),桑给巴尔赛克斯的猴子(Cercopithecus和缓albogularis),Hilgert的黑脸(绿猴属pygerythrus hilgerti),和南部的黄色狒狒(狒狒cynocephalus cynocephalus)。这些占向当地保护组织报告的全部福利案件的16%。73%的病例死亡。在研究期间,案例数量没有增加,这大概是因为配电公司和当地保护组织实施的缓解措施抵消了与电力基础设施扩展相关的风险。疣占80%(Ñ箱子= 256),表示CA。每年人口的4.6%,这可能是不可持续的。成年男性疣猴遭受电击或触电的程度超出预期,而所有其他年龄性别的人群都与人口结构成比例。赛克斯的猴子(13%,N = 42),黑长尾猴(5%,N= 16)和狒狒(2%,N = 6)。我们的发现表明,电力基础设施对物种的影响不同。个体≥8 kg的较大乔木物种比较小的乔木物种和陆生物种具有更高的伤害和死亡风险。其他组织可以根据我们审查的因素来估计其所在地区的风险。进一步了解体重如何影响风险将对电气基础设施的设计(作为保护计划的一部分)产生影响。
